As the adventurers prepared to split up and set out, Bjorn tapped Angela on the shoulder. In his other hand was a small book. "Think you might want this. It's some of my notes about where to find various artifacts." The hulking barbarian explained. The dragonslayer glanced down at the book offered to her. "Don't ever touch me again." With that said, Angela grabbed the book from the barbarian's grasp. Everything about that damn barbarian grated on every last nerve she had - whenever she blinked, she could hear his voice and parts of that infernal song in her head, teasing and taunting her. That was definitely not what she wanted. [i]Not now.[/i] She had already gone through two of her vials and she only had a handful left... The knight inhaled deeply, casting those unwelcome thoughts from her mind. She turned to the other members of her group, all of whom seemed raring to go. "Wait a moment. We're gonna read this to decide on our next move; we might as well do it in this cave." Without another word, she sat down on the ground, with her legs crossed before opening the book. It should prove a valuable distraction from the goings on in her head. Bjorn bristled at the other dragonslayer's insult. He hadn't really planned on touching Angela again, nor had he meant anything other than getting her attention, but he did not take kindly to being disrespected like that. He itched to draw his axe and end her or even just grab her by the throat and hurl her into a cave wall with all his might. There was a time when he would have done just that without so much as a second thought, but he knew all too well that if he lost his temper, he might lose control altogether. His adoptive children were also nearby and he had no desire to harm them. Perhaps he'd be able to get even later, but for now, he'd just have to content himself in the knowledge that he was traveling with far more likable companions. At least, he hoped they were more likable. He hadn't gotten to know the Solanians well, but it was a rather low bar for them to jump, in his opinion. Biting back on his anger, he walked away. Ceara walked past the irate berserker, making sure to give him a wide berth as she approached Angela. Nima lingered close behind her. “Whats the move then, boss?” she asked. “That book have some stuff on those trinkets we’ve been talking about or what?” Angela shrugged, continuing to skim through Bjorn's book. She quickly found something that got her attention - one good thing she could say about Bjorn was that he did not bother with useless information. "The Barbarian has noticed a lot of activity coming from a cave to the north-north east, and what's interesting is that he doesn't think this cave is one of their lairs." She carried on reading the book for a minute. "He doesn't know what's in there, but based on what's in this book I think we should investigate it." When she looked up to hear the team's replies, Bjorn's whispering and the song began anew. It was like having soft wind inside her head that would never end. At least, not until... Ceara bit her lip apprehensively. “Right… Sure, caverns, dragon-cultists, sounds grand.” The thief looked across the mountain pass to peer at the other group preparing their horses. She turned back to Angela, lowering her voice to a whisper. “But maybe this isn’t the smartest thing to do? You were in that cave with him, same as me. This Bjorn seems unsound at best and completely batshit insane at worst. Do we know that the scribbles in that book are describing real places? What if he’s in tight with these people?” Glancing to the pile of frozen corpses further in the cave, Allen shook his head. "I don't think he's in tight with anybody. He doesn't exactly seem like the type to make alliances with his food," He looked at Ceara, and then to Angela. "I trust Ser Kõivli's judgement; if she decides do investigate this cave, I say we go." "Agreed. Besides, the barbarian wouldn't be smart enough to deceive us." Angela looked back towards the cave entrance. "If he really [i]is[/i] leading us on, well... we'll burn that bridge when we get to it." Angela got back up to her feet and began a brisk walk towards the exit. The rest of her group followed closely behind. "If we're quick, we should get there before it gets dark."