[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#9999ff]Virginia Crypt[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/4z5agy2nl/Bella_Heathcote_gif.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=#9999ff]Location[/color][/b]: Carlisle [b][color=#9999ff]Skills[/color][/b]: N/A[/center][hr] Virginia was in deep thought for a moment, as they ascertained their whereabouts. As much as she wished to marvel at what had occurred, Mary seemed to be confused and Virginia's mind offered up a few possibilities. The realm of the impossible became more and more real as time passed on, and she took in a breath of air, still musing at what had just occurred. [color=#9999ff]"There are several explanations,"[/color] Virginia began. [color=#9999ff]"The first is that it is an illusion - that we have gone mad and shared in some hallucination - yet I feel as if we have moved unnaturally quick,"[/color] she said, pausing as she considered the sick feeling in her stomach. [color=#9999ff]"Another possibility is that some unknown Soulless or Trained person has caused this effect. And of course, that as you suggested, a deity has decided to take a stake in these circumstances."[/color] The poor horse lost its last meal and Virginia felt a twinge of pity for it. [color=#9999ff]"The town does seem to be on alert - I suppose news of Almack's must have spread here,"[/color] she told Mary in a hushed tone. She did not know much about horse care herself, and as of such, did not know if they should dismount or if they could press onwards. Yet they were closer to Millicent, that much Virginia was in certain - or at least, closer to where she may be or may have been. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ff6600]Maeve Brennan[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/75c688c44bc5b1b3ef54bf3081a0f05c/tumblr_omdy05ZJXh1w3nwrko1_500.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=ff6600]Location[/color][/b]: Kirkpatrick House: Tea Room ---> the Carriage [b][color=ff6600]Skills[/color][/b]: N/A[/center][hr] Once Lady Kirkpatrick indicated her approval for consuming the scone, Maeve ate it as delicately as could be whilst Lady Kirkpatrick looked over what Calum had given her. She didn't want it to go to waste and she was glad to have consumed it quickly, since it was time to be on the move. As Lady Kirkpatrick met her eyes, a bit of nervousness came but she didn't let it show. She had a bit of difficulty reading the father, but he wouldn't have sold her out. It didn't make logical sense for him to go through all of this effort, just to expose her. Nodding, Maeve rose to her feet and followed Lady Kirkpatrick out. She registered the nephew having a bit of a fit, remembering his instructions to her pertaining his aunt, as she went outside and shook her head slightly as Calum offered to help her inside. She didn't want to make physical contact with him and she wasn't a wilting flower that needed to be helped into a carriage. Once seated, she turned and gave Lady Kirkpatrick her undivided attention, allowing her to speak first since Maeve worked for her now.