Dis could only feel relieved that she was feeling the loving embrace of her flesh and blood. But her happiness slowly started to dissolve once Kili began to explain the whereabouts of Fili and Thorin. There was a glint of sadness appearing in her eyes, and feeling of pain went through her heart. What he was describing...was the events of their deaths. It came to the point of her getting choked up, but was holding it in a lot more than Kili was. Dis was known for her great inner strength, making her a capable Durin and queen, by heart. But as she said, she would much prefer laying low rather than take a throne. Besides, she had always found her older brother Thorin to be a potentially-great king. But the problem, was that he was dead, along with her firstborn offspring. An old enemy from those many years ago, had officially caught up to them, and extinguished nearly their entire directly-royal line...with her and Kili as the only remaining direct descendants of Durin. The whole family, nearly extinct. Seeing her son’s already-forming tears, Dis eventually cracked, hugging him, and letting out the sadness that was bottled up when Kili explained the events of their deaths. Saeril looked at the ground, when a single tear trailed down her face. She remembered what Fili’s last words were, and they only motivated her to do harder, and become a lot more strongly committed in her duties. Seeing Yavanna’s expression, once again, allowed her to lean on her shoulder and let her feelings out.