[color=007236][center][h1][u][b]ULTFIC[/b][/u][/h1][/center][/color] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMzNkMjk4ZjktZWFjNy00NzkzLWFiMDctNjM4NWY0MzY4NTUwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDYwMTg2ODk@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,840,1000_AL_.jpg[/img] [/hider] Upon hearing his daughter's accusation, Klaus's anger only heightened. If Exodus had rigged the tournament that meant darker schemes were boiling behind the scenes. Klaus released a thunderous laugh in response to her insisting he would do no harm to her friend Laurel, the warrior who had willingly teamed up with a Thanatos. As soon as the female warrior had fallen victim to an illegal hit, Klaus grinned deviously. [color=ed1c24]"Good riddance..."[/color] The man would huff, eyeing the dwindling number of warriors. Ultfic, one of Earthica's own, ravaging through man after man. Klaus rose his head up in anticipation, knuckles turning white with the tight grip he had on the seats armrest. As soon as Ultfic had delivered the victorious blow, Klaus stood and clapped in appraisal. Surely this would show the other Kingdom attendee's the strength of Levonian warriors, despite the tournament's falseness. Klaus found his way away from the crowd and out of the arena, being directed to the infirmary where he would be able to find his warriors and the champion. He would first come across Laurel, eyes narrowing with pure dismay. [color=ed1c24]"You, stop where you are."[/color] The King called out roughly, staggering towards the wounded woman to stop before her. [color=ed1c24]"What the hell was that? You are Levonian, not Thanatos... In what world did you think I would approve of such an atrocious act?"[/color] Klaus glared down at Laurel, his daughters presence neglected. Before either of them could speak, or Eve could intervene to protect her friend. Klaus shoved past them with aggression, storming off to find his triumphant warrior. [color=ed1c24]"Ultfic! You are a blessing to our Kingdom.. You did your home well."[/color] The King gripped the other mans hand with force before pulling him in for a brief embrace. Stepping back, Klaus would examine the other man. [color=ed1c24]"Were you injured?"[/color] [color=007236]"I thank you my king."[/color] Ultfic was glad that he could make the king proud and show off his peoples power. shrugging a bit he replied [color=007236]"I'll be fine just a few cuts and bruises but nothing to bad. Mostly just blood from my damn shield that broke right in me face.”[/color] he took a long heavy breath clearly exhausted from the fight. [color=007236]“I’ll be ready to carry out my normal duties as soon as i get my head patch and stop this damned blood from getting in my eyes.”[/color] he said to the king not wanting to appear weak in front of the man. Looking around him he could see that most of the fighters had left or were being patched up by the nurses. Some looked at him with a look of fear while others had a look of anger at the crowned champion some even held a mix of both. “The rest of the men did well for them selves, quite hard to survive three on one attacks.” he looked around for a moment. [color=007236]“Have you seen Laurel anywhere? I wanted to talk with her.”[/color] The King grinned giddily, almost as if her were a child in a candy shop. He was impressed, more than impressed and wanted to show off his shiny new champion to the world. Klaus grabbed the man by the shoulder with force before turning to face the infirmary. "I need a god damned healer over here, your champion is wounded and needs tending to.. Get on it!" The man would howl out, glancing back towards Ultfic as they awaited the arrival of a healer. [color=ed1c24]"Laurel? What in the hell do you want with that bloody bit-.. woman?"[/color] Klaus would tilt his head curiously, eyes squinting in question while his hand would motion behind them. [color=ed1c24]"She was back there, with my daughter I do believe.." [/color] Ultfic just kind of shook his head at how his king was acting. Not that he didn't apreatie the king being proud but he wasn't really one to flaunt his achievements to much. Upon hearing how the king referred to Laurel he knew she must have done something wrong in his eyes. [color=007236]“Just wanted to talk with her about the tournament and go over a few things about our time here.”[/color] he said calmly as his body was slowly becoming more stable. [color=007236]“I'll also talk to the rest of the men when i can but they will be easier to find considering i have authority over them.”[/color] looking around again he noticed most of the fighters had already left except for the ones that had genuine injuries from fighting. He wasn't lying he did want to talk to Laurel about what happened in the fight and thought it odd that she had not made it to the end. But the main reason was because he had felt something was very off about the whole tournament. He had felt like it was almost to easy to over power most of the fighters in the arena expect for those of Earthica and Luthra. He shook his head slightly maybe it was nothing and he was just being paranoid about everything but it came with the job he suppose, but either way he wasn't going to spoil the kings mood for right now. Looking past the king he could see a Nurses beginning to walk towards slightly frustrated by the kings request by hid it perfectly once she came closer putting on a ‘proper’ look for foreign royalty. Klaus eyed Ultfic carefully, searching his expression for a reason as to why the other man would want to speak to a [i]trader.[/i] The King rubbed at his beard in thought, a simple nod in response to Ultfic's words. [color=ed1c24]"I have some.. business to attend to."[/color] Klaus gave one final parting pat on the warriors shoulder before excusing himself from the conversation. It was clear he was simmering with some annoyance, his eyes darting to his daughter and her friend once more. [color=ed1c24]"Eve, If you spend all your time gallivanting with Laurel you will never get anything done. Night is falling daughter, a woman of your status shall not be out at this time in a stranger Kingdom. To your chambers, now..."[/color] The King stared at his daughter, his tone pressing, expression unwavering, [color=ed1c24]"You are here for a reason daughter."[/color] With that the King dismissed himself from the area, finding his way to the palace where he would retire to his bedroom, soaking in its elegance and luxury. The woman had arrived just as the king had left which was good thing as far as Ultfic was concerned. Turning to her he bowed slightly apologizing for how she was treated. [color=007236]“Terribly sorry my lady for how my king demanded for your assistance im sure you are a very busy person.”[/color] after finishing he tried to give a smile before a sharp pain shot through his midsection causing him to wince slightly. [color=007236]“Though if you could I would greatly appreciate the help.”[/color] Ultfic hated asking for help from people but he knew if he tried to leave then his king would surely raise hell over it thinking it was the staffs fault. The women he was talking to seemed as though she was nice enough but he didn't know if that was just a charade for the sake of the whole kingdom. [color=007236]“If not though that is perfectly fine I just ask that you point me in the direction where I can wash off the blood.”[/color]