[@thewizardguy] - Unfortunately I cannot bend on that particular detail as I have a number of reasons for having entrances function as they do. My main reason for this pertains to events before the gods even came to be so I cannot discuss it without spoiling undiscovered lore. My second reason is that the necessity for physical entrances isn't a benefit, it's a drawback. With moving entrances that are inaccessible to anyone without the host deity's permission it would allow people to essentially appear and disappear without any real risk or difficulty. While a god may have supreme reign over their own realm so long as they have entrances that can realistically be found they always stand a risk of being cut off from the world or losing it all as it spills into the void while they're away. This creates a dynamic where no type of realm is without weakness. Realms in sub-space are much safer normally but stand the risks mentioned above. Realms set in the physical world of Tabrasa don't have such security but also do not have to worry about having their stuff suddenly emptied into the void. There are always ways to protect one's entrances of course and they can be destroyed and, with a bit of effort, created at any time. My apologies if that creates complications with your conceptual design for the realm. [@Vega7] - So long as it's acknowledged that the perceived movements of these entrances to his realm are a result of him destroying and recreating them you may have my permission to post your character over in the Characters tab. I'd go into more detail but my day is quite hectic. I'll be back later.