[hider=God of Memory] [i] WHOEVER HAS THE MIND SHALL HAVE THE HEART AND BODY ALSO[/i] Name: His most well known names are Dao Rugadh, Gedag, Memon, Jiy Xinli, Neiblo, Mekhzier, and Iba. The gods refer to him by the name they find appropriate, and he refers to himself as Dao Rugadh. Domain: Memory Appearance: [img] http://goodomenslexicon.org.s164381.gridserver.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/pollutionhead.jpg [/img] Realm: The Akhainne lies in subspace. It appears to most as a mostly flat, smoky glass desert. It has light but no sun, and underneath the glass lies a flowing river of images, memories of man. Somewhere in this land lies a tower of mirrors, mirrors that reflect the memories of the soul who approaches it. Besides these, the realm is said to be empty, almost devoid, except for the occasional Sirenic, a creature who searches one's memory for a form to take and feeds on the memories of mortals when close until they forget everything they ever knew. They say that at the top of the tower lies Dao Rugadh's greatest secret, though what that is has been the subject of many a rumor. The entrances to the realm are found generally on plain fields, glass gates that stand out amongst the flat ground. They seem to occasionally move positions or disappear and reappear at various times. This is in actuality because Dao Rugadh has a hsbit of destroying and recreating the entrances. Biography: Dao Rugadh is the god of memory, yet he craves many things that are not his. While it may not be obvious to other gods, he is obsessed with mortals, especially because his domain deals almost entirely with the memory of mortals. He often takes the form of a mortal and manipulates memories until he can insert himself into a community as if he always lived there. Often, and this is another sign of his future ambitions, he will manipulate memories until he becomes the local ruler over the people, forming small cults. When he leaves these cults to return to his realm or find a different mortal land, they often remember him but forget every detail of his appearance or voice. He wishes for the power to create life, the power to manipulate the earth, many things. He wants to watch history, change history, be part of history, create history. His mood sometimes changes from one moment to the next, unpredictably shifting from anger to joy to calm, and sometimes his mood his an almost unbreakable calm. He loves being the center of attention. He regards his fellow gods as friends, despite the fact that he isn't actually on good terms with everyone. He is rumored to have been born with the first of man, and as stupid and newborn as them, too. They say he wandered, his mind blank, for many a day, taking the form of a tall, skeletal creature. Then he met some of the first of man, and he fed on them, too. Then his mind sprouted as he essentially became the first man whose mind he stole, and soon he began to comprehend what he truly was, beyond the man who he took. He replaced the man's position in the small tribe they had formed, but slowly, he began devouring more of them, until at last, in one fell swoop, he took the last five remaining humans in one burst. After that his power grew exponentially, or more accurately, he simply became more aware and more understanding of his powers. Fast forward a few years and he had begun creating the Akhainne, at the time a small subrealm with almost no power.  After that his history is shrouded. There are many rumors, but with his power over memory, none can be sure about what they think happened. Notes: Misc: "Put that on my Tabula." [/hider] [hider=Relations] Oao - "She is.... fragile, in her own way. A bit like Somler, in that she too is afraid of something rather common. But I don't mind her, whatever she may think." Ferron - "Hmm. Not much to say on this one. He's not particularly to my tastes, and I doubt his mind would serve me any good. I don't dislike him, though." Sveiand - "This one I like. He knows what he wants and he's out to get it. A little bit of an ambitious god, which I can get behind. And it doesn't hurt that he's easy on the eyes." Ragnagedon - "A bit too much of a destroyer for my tastes. He can cut a life short where it would once grow long and fruit many a memory for me to feed upon. I mean, I don't [i]hate[/i] him, I just... dislike him." Iva'Krorh - "This one I like, though I suspect the feelings isn't mutual. Our domains are definitely different, but we could... cooperate on some matters. And the way he treats mortals can make for good memories." Dirka - "She's... a bit mad, but makes for some entertaining little events on Tabrasa. I think I like her. I think." Somler - "Fearful, like Oao. So many questions about him. What is he capable of? Can he somehow remove knowledge to increase his power? I suppose questions is what he wants." Iarus - "I would like him if I didn't feel like he would kill me if he had the chance. I like a good bit of trickery myself, but not that kind of trickery." Azhriel - "Mmm, what I could do with all those souls of his... but I respect his territory. Not to mention he could probably kill me if I tried anything like that." Hayim - "What an innocent little child! I can always make time for this one, as long as I'm not too busy. This one should be protected and left unharmed." Anu-Varr - "Hmm, no respect for mortals, no respect for gods, no respect for anything in between. Not exactly my favorite, I'll say that much." Naswaru - "This one makes for some good stories and memories. Big fan! Respects mortals too, so he's in my good book. Don't know if it's mutual, though." Ral - "His artifacts make for some interesting memories. I like to think he's innocent despite what some of his artifacts do. Not unattractive." [/hider]