[@ShwiggityShwah] I'll try going into more detail on why the quirk isn't acceptable at its current state. Will be added to the OP. [b]Quirks 101:[/b][Indent]The setting of My Hero Academia is brimming with a wide variety of unique quirks, with some being obviously stronger than others. However, not all of them seem to translate well when shifted to a text-based roleplay, especially the powerful ones. With that in mind, the rule I want everyone to keep in mind when deciding on a quirk is KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Several quirks seem to follow this idea, so hopefully we can adhere to this as well when making characters. Good example's would be Steel (Tetsutetsu), Tail (Ojiro), Somnabulist (Midnight), Foldabody (Edgeshot), and Erasure (Eraserhead). However, this does not mean that I will reject more complex quirks, such as Creation (Momo) and Comic (Manga). The process though, of working on th details of these types of quirks and the inevitable nerfs, might cause too much of a deviation from the initial proposed quirk, leading to dissatisfaction from you guys. So yeah. If a quirk has the potential to be imbalanced right from the start, I advice to avoid it entirely.[/Indent]