[CENTER][H3][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][b]E P I L O G U E[/b][/COLOR][/H3][/CENTER] [COLOR=GOLDENROD][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]M A R V I L L E, O K L A H O M A :[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][sup][COLOR=LIGHTSLATEGRAY][B]F R I D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 2 8[SUP]T H[/SUP], 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 : 5 8 p m | T O W N H A L L[/B][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Nearly a month had passed since Thor had fought the Gentleman Ghost and his army of the undead after the Silver Surfer had unleashed the inmates of the Raft in order to test the mettle of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. It had also been a month since Thor had inherited the crown of Asgard, something that Blake had not been able to completely wrap his head around. How was he to be king of a place that did not exist and a people who were gone? The question had hung over his head from the moment that Heimdall had told him he was now the King of Asgard and to this day he was still burdened by the weight of the answer. Blake had failed to mention his new position to even Barbara. Part of Blake simply believed it was a formality provided by Heimdall, and that nothing would come of the title. But with the way the world was changing, he wouldn’t necessarily be surprised if he was somehow expected to transform Marville into New Asgard. But none of that was important at the moment, especially not at this moment. This moment belonged to Barbara. Due to her actions during the Marville’s live production of ‘The Walking Dead’, the Mayor and the Sheriff had decided to honor Barbara with an accommodation and had thrown an event in her honour. Loosening his tie, Blake fiddled with the ring box in his pocket before taking a sip from the glass of bourbon that the waiter had sat in front of him. Somehow despite fighting the Silver Surfer, proposing to Barbara Norris was still the most nerve-racking thing that the God of Thunder had ever done. Blake had attempted the action several times over the last month and each time had failed to pull the trigger. There was never the ‘perfect’ moment, or perhaps it was the fact that he’d have to tell her by marrying him she’d be crowned Queen of Asgard that was holding him back. No matter, Blake had resolved that tonight was going to be the night he finally proposed to Barbara Annabelle Norris. The squeal of feedback echoed over the Town Hall as several attendees covered their ears. Wincing, Blake took his seat before taking another sip of his drink as he looked towards the stage. In the chair beside him, was a bouquet of three dozen white roses, waiting for Barbara to receive her award and that was the moment when Blake would approach the stage. It would be perfect. Marville’s mayor, Roy Thomas cleared his throat before addressing the crowd as Blake looked up from his drink. [color=#c0c0c0]“Well I’d like to thank you all for coming out tonight to not only support one of Marville’s best, but also the entire Sheriff’s Department. Without their dedication and training, I’d hate to think what the state of our little town would be right now.”[/color] [color=#c0c0c0]“What about Thor?”[/color] Someone in attendance shouted as the Mayor’s brow furrowed in slight frustration. [color=#c0c0c0]“What about Thor?”[/color] The Mayor retorted as Blake inwardly groaned. So much for perfect. Despite the glowing reviews from most of the citizens of Marville, nothing that Blake had done as Thor seemed to sway the Mayor to his side. The Mayor was simply not interested in having a ‘resident superhero’ bringing the town down like the ‘Batman in Gotham.’ How the Mayor even thought he could compare Gotham and Marville was a problem in its own right but it was neither here nor there at the moment. [color=#c0c0c0]“Did Thor not save the day by defeating the Raft prisoners?”[/color] The same voice yelled back as Mayor Thomas impatiently tapped his foot. [color=#c0c0c0]“Did Thor not save the entire world when he took down the Silver Surfer?”[/color] [color=#c0c0c0]“Perhaps then the ‘world’ can show ‘Thor’ some gratitude then.”[/color] The Mayor responded. “[color=#c0c0c0]But we’re getting away from tonight’s purpose,”[/color] He continued redirecting the conversation as Blake sighed in relief. [color=#c0c0c0]“Tonight is for Marville’s finest, the Sheriff’s department, those who have dedicated their lives to defending our small community.”[/color] The Mayor stated steamrolling over any other objections about the lack of recognition for Thor. [color=#c0c0c0]“I’d like to extend an invitation to Sheriff Daniel Lamb to come on up here and tell us about tonight’s honouree.”[/color] The audience clapped as the older man walked across the stage in his dress uniform, shaking the Mayor’s hand as he took the microphone. [color=#c0c0c0]“Well thank ya, Mayor,”[/color] Lamb began,[color=#c0c0c0] “I just have to say it is wonderful to see so many of y’all took time out of your busy lives to come and support the Sheriff’s Department. It may be our job to keep the streets clean, but when it comes to Marville, y’all do most of the work for us.”[/color] Clapping along with the rest of the crowd, Blake couldn’t help but smile. Lamb could be a right moron at the best of times, but the man did know how to work a crowd if it meant votes come election season. Considering Barbara’s rising popularity, Blake had a hunch the Sheriff was going to need all the help he could the next time re-election came around. [color=#c0c0c0]“While I’d like to stand up here and tell you that all of my deputies are outstanding, there’s one in particular who raises the bar in everything she does. This deputy has never missed a shift, never had a wrinkle on her uniform, by far one of my top performers no matter what exam you throw at her.”[/color] Lamb bragged as Blake couldn’t help but feel pride for Barbara. As someone who did not grow up in this community, to be so integrated and recognized was a far bigger accomplishment than he was sure she was aware of. [color=#c0c0c0]“I lost more deputies than I care to talk about during the attack on our town, but I know those losses are far fewer thanks to the actions of one individual.”[/color] He paused, turning his head to the right side of the stage. [color=#c0c0c0]“Miss Barbara Norris, why don’t you come on out here.”[/color] Standing up as he clapped, Blake let out a whistle as Barbara crossed the stage. She was stunning, her dress uniform perfectly pressed, not a hair out of place as she shook the Sheriff’s hand. [color=#c0c0c0]“Miss Norris, as the Sheriff and on the behalf of the people of Marville, I’d like to present to you this accommodation for outstanding service in the line of duty.”[/color] Rising from his chair, Blake picked up the bouquet as he approached the stage, climbing up the stairs he presented the flowers to Barbara as she kissed him on the cheek, posing with him as the local paper snapped a couple of pictures. [color=#c0c0c0]“Miss Norris,”[/color] The Sheriff asked as he turned to her, [color=#c0c0c0]“Do you have any words you’d like to share with the people of Marville?”[/color] [color=#daa520]“If you don’t mind, Sheriff,”[/color] Blake interjected as Barbara shot him a confused look. [color=#daa520]“I’ve actually got a few words prepared that I’d like to say to Miss Norris here.”[/color] Lamb blinked a few times before replying. [color=#c0c0c0]“I don’t see why not Mr. Donaldson,”[/color] He stated before reluctantly passing the microphone to Blake as he mouthed an apology both towards Barbara and a very confused Mayor Thomas. [color=#daa520]“First off, I’d like to say thank you to the people of Marville,”[/color] Blake began realizing he needed to warm the crowd up a bit before he dropped on one knee. Despite that, he could see a couple of the community’s elderly women elbowing each other, obviously more aware of what was about to happen than the Barbara was herself. [color=#daa520]“When I returned from college with Barbara, you welcomed her into this small community as she had always been here like she belonged here. I think I can safely speak on Barbara’s behalf when I say, there has not been a single person here who has ever made her feel as though she doesn’t belong.”[/color] He smiled, clearing his throat as he continued. [color=#daa520]“Out of all the places I’ve visited, this is by far the place I’m happiest to call home. You all are the warmest, sweetest, kindest people and if there was a picture of Southern hospitality on the Wikipedia page, it’d be your smiling faces.”[/color] Blake pointed towards the crowd before turning to Barbara. [color=#daa520]“Barbara, I am so proud of you tonight, I am so proud of the stand you took to protect this town, to stand shoulder to shoulder with beings who up until about three months ago, I wouldn’t have believed existed you. You are an encouragement to us all, you strengthen this town, you strengthen me. When I am with you, I feel whole.”[/color] Blake said as the crowd collectively cooed behind him, Barbara smiling at him as she began to notice Blake’s hand fidgeting with something in his pocket. Her eyes began to widen as Blake realized he needed to hurry this along. [color=#daa520]“But I do have one thing to admit.”[/color] He paused, [color=#daa520]“I really don’t like your last name.”[/color] He stated before dropping to one knee as the pulled out the ring. [color=#daa520]“That’s why I’m asking you to take mine.”[/color] The crowd cheered as Barbara covered her face with shock, the Sheriff laughing as he swung his arm as though his favourite quarterback had just scored a touchdown. [color=#daa520]“Barbara Annabelle Norris,”[/color] Blake stated. [color=#daa520]“Will you marry me?”[/color][/INDENT][/INDENT] [COLOR=GOLDENROD][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]W A S H I N G T O N, D . C . :[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][sup][COLOR=LIGHTSLATEGRAY][B]F R I D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 2 8[SUP]T H[/SUP], 2 0 1 8 - 1 1 : 4 3 p m | T H E T R I S K E L I O N[/B][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]The Triskelion was one of the most secure buildings in the entire world, there were few known establishments that were more secure. Though despite all of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s advanced intelligence, the Triskelion was still built before the common agent had to think about a metahuman infiltrating their ranks let alone the building. Lady Elaine Marsh-Morton was no a metahuman though. But her employer was a very powerful man, and even S.H.I.E.L.D. was not incorruptible. Everyone had their price, just the same as she had hers, but the truth be told, she would have done this job for free. A collector of all manner of weapons, Lady Elaine had a particular soft spot for antiquities. It was her gimmick in a manner of speaking, but even she knew when to resort to modern armaments, one didn’t walk into S.H.I.E.L.D.’s nest unprepared after all. [b][color=#ff9900]“Take a left at the next corner.”[/color][/b] She frowned a little, did he not realize she had almost completed this job already? Had Creel not botched his chance at freedom, she would have already collected her boss’s prize and been on her merry way. [b][color=#cc4125]“I do not require you to navigate for me, Collins.”[/color][/b] Elaine snapped back as she took the left turn, rounding the corner into another long, well-lit corridor. [b][color=#cc4125]“It may all look the bloody same, but I know where I’m going.”[/color][/b] [b][color=#ff9900]“Then why is this your second attempt to complete the job?”[/color][/b] [b][color=#cc4125]“Piss off.”[/color][/b] Lady Elaine replied as continued to the elevator at the end of the corridor. Entering the elevator, she entered the correct destination as the elevator began to ascend to the appropriate level for S.H.I.E.L.D.’s archives. An awkward silence hung in the air between Lady Elaine and Collins as she waited for the elevator to come to a stop, four-chord music playing on a loop as the elevator continued to move. Coming to a halt, the doors opened as Lady Elaine stepped out of the elevator and into a warehouse filled with rows of sealed boxes organized across various shelves and racks. [b][color=#cc4125]“I’m in.”[/color][/b] She stated before moving through the room as she pulled a scanner from her belt, entering the energy signature her employer provided as she began to scan the room. [b][color=#ff9900]“There’s a hot spot in the North West corner.”[/color][/b] Collins stated as Lady Elaine moved through the room towards the source of the signature. Locating the box, she produced the necessary tool to pry it open as a smile spread across her face. Her reflection smiled back at her in the mirrored blade as her hand traced the intricate designs carved into the weapon. [b][color=#cc4125]“I’ve got it.”[/color][/b] Lady Elaine replied. [b][color=#cc4125]“Let him know that I’ve secured J­árnbjörn.”[/color][/b][/INDENT] [hr][/INDENT] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IXuUWbR.png?1[/img] [SUB][H3][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][b] W I L L R E T U R N I N S E A S O N T W O[/b][/COLOR][/H3][/SUB][/center]