[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/food-wars-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/be15b386fc03c1e18f2b9ae1f6a3058f.png[/img][/url] [hr][h2]Solitaire[/h2][hr] [url=https://youtu.be/XmGdSOhBx8E]Api’s Dark Theme[/url][/center] Climbing out of the pool after watching two of his classmates slosh out and teleport Api took another shower and then dressed into a set of his favorite work out togs and headed to the gym. He knew he should have a spotter but after what he’d seen this day he was unsure of how far he could trust the others. As a result of his distraction his ring and parallel work was sloppy almost injuring himself several times so he gave up and decided to head to the library. [hr][center][h3]Extracurricular[/h3][/center][hr] Slipping on his headphones Api opened the computer to information on Einstein’s Field Equations focusing on gravity which lead to the Equivalence principle, Gauss’s law, then Poisson’s Equations and down the rabbit hole he dove. He flipped through article and papers on the subject of Newtonian forces, Spacetime curvature, and the esoteric works of Alcubierre finding truth within based on his intimate knowledge of the field of gravitics. As he read he began to form a picture of things from the standpoint of someone who could see and sense the field in question like no device built. Then the computer made a suggestion he read the Stark papers both by father and son and he began to see what was missing; all of them either used observation theory or had artificially generated gravity waves. Api unlike these great men and women didn’t generate gravity he was actually bending spacetime to his will as easily as people blow out candles. He needed to quit thinking about what he was doing so much, he needed to simply do what he wanted the same as breathing or walking; well maybe not that simplistic but close in any case. So leaning back Api looked at a book on one of the nearby tables and thought of it existing in a state of zero gravity which was something he already knew how to do but this time he added a secondary effect creating a small gravity source in the air above it. How long it took was hard to say because for Api time became a field effect he wasn’t actively observing but the book began to climb attracted by the stronger force. Next he moved the attractive force about 3 degrees to the side of 90 right and the book rotated as it followed the attractive like a goat followed a carrot. It was working wonderfully so he closed his eyes and used his field senses alone to see the book and all the other forces in the library so he could see what he was doing with both fields but then his day intruded and the úlfur rose and threw off his focus. Unbalanced the attractive force increased as Api felt his head swim with energy caused by the wolf within. Increased to 3 gravities the attractive force fired the book across the library at an exponentially increasing speed that was so fast by the time it reached the window it passed through it making a roughly book shaped hole surrounded by spiderweb cracks.