Still need to think up a biography - which is going to be a bit difficult btw although the premise of "3 merging into 1" is still to be a thing. [hider=Drakairós, God Of Weather][center] [hr] [img][/img] [hr] [img][/img] [hr] [b][u][color=fff200]Name:[/color][/u][/b] Dra-kai-rós | Gods Of Weather | The Golden Prophets Of Storm | "We" [b][u][color=fff200]Domain:[/color][/u][/b] Weather [b][u][color=fff200]Appearance:[/color][/u][/b] Taking on the form of a massive three-headed wyvern, Drakairós is considered to be one of the largest gods in Tabrasa. While his size often fluctuates to correspond with the current situation, his base form being around 70 meters (78 Feet) long and 20 meters (65 Feet) high (think Drogon in the latest GOT season), he has been rumored to grow as tall as 160 meters (524 feet) and supposedly even "bigger". His heads can also split into three long bodies, their names being Dra, Kai, and Rós respectively. Each body takes control of a certain weather function and have their own unique personalities. - [color=fff200][b]Dra[/b][/color] represents the middle head and is considered to be the leading-head of the three due to his high intelligence. He often has the final word in matters when combined with the other two heads. He has the power to cast upon storms that represent liquid water (rainstorms, thunderstorms, lightning, hurricanes, typhoons, etc). Can fire a beam of high-pressured water, lightning, or wind at opponent. [b][color=00aeef](Water-Based)[/color][/b] - [color=fff200][b]Kai[/b][/color] represents the left head and is considered as the most ruthless and malevolent individual, often considered to be the most insane. He has the power to manipulate droughts, firestorms, tornados, and dust storms. Can fire a beam of fire or heated wind at the opponent. [b][color=f26522](Earth/Fire-Based)[/color][/b] - [color=fff200][b]Rós[/b][/color] represents the right head and is the more cold and calculating individual, often considered to be the most cautious. He has the power to manipulate blizzards, as well as hail and ice storms, etc). Can fire a beam of ice/cold energy or chilling wind at the opponent. [b](Ice-Based)[/b] - [color=fff200][b]Drakairós[/b][/color] is the combination of all three dragons into one body. All three heads act independently with one another, however the middle head has most of the control due to his intelligence. Any form of weather can be used in this form, whether it be hurricanes, heatwaves, snowstorms, or otherwise, as well as their respected beams. If these separate beams combine to make a "uni-beam", its power is enough to wipe out entire villages. [color=fff200][b][u]Realm:[/u][/b][/color] [b]Zepharios, The Palace Of Storms[/b] Above the tallest peaks within the chilling North, a large swirling dark vortex serves as a portal to Drakairós' domain. No mere mortal can reach it unless they are able to fly and even then the chaotic skies act as a natural barrier against foreign invaders. Yet those who manage to survive the strong galeforce winds and the cackling thunder that yearns to strike you down of the "Vortex of Zephyr", may find themselves greeted to the heavenly atmosphere that is the Palace of Storms. You'd plant yourself on a golden road, her stones gleaming brightly as the ethereal skies above are filled with bright orange and pink vibrance, forever casting a benevolent sunset. Follow the path and you'll reach the massive greek-styled palace, coated from divine ash-white marble with golden highlights. Amongst it, floating islands can be seen randomly dotted across the place, with several low-hanging chunks just barely peaking over the swirling ocean of clouds. However, one mustn't always expect such a beautiful marvel if they dare to climb up the vortex. Depending on the golden dragon's mood and/or the time of the year, one might find themselves still encapsulated in the dark chaotic storm, fueled by heavy rains, and even more powerful winds. Cyclones may also be often seen causing mute destruction in the distance. Or perhaps one might encounter a blanket of snow and ice covering the golden path and the islands nearby. And yet all of this can change within mere seconds. [color=fff200][b][u]Biography:[/u][/b][/color] As one of the first gods, Drakairós plays an important part in keeping the realm of Tabrasa balanced. The weather is under his very control and he'll do anything that he deems fit, along in establishing a region's climate and the survival of the mortals below him. The mortals constantly worship the God of Weather, for his abilities shape the very foundations of their civilization. With a steady supply of blessings, they'll be often guaranteed rain for their crops, and sometimes spared of severe weather patterns.. Yet they also fear him, for if they allow themselves to criminally dishonor or insult the hydra god, they will be severely punished for their insolence. They can be met with a whole number of punishments - hurricanes, tornados, droughts, floods, blizzards - anything that which can bring an entire town to its knees. Only once the mortals redeem themselves through sacrifice and grand blessing would Drakairós spare them from death and bring about the necessary change in order to have them survive. Very little is known regarding his origins, yet legends have stated that Drakariós was once very different compared to his current state. In the beginning, he only a single dragon, with only one head. Known simply as Dra, he once prowled the world on his lonesome, and had virtually no powers. His only power was simply though flight and he scoured the world for food and self-purpose. While he often was able to receive food, the weather around him was utterly chaotic and more often then not drove away his prey. Whenever this happened, the dragon was forced to follow the retreating prey for miles and miles on end before being able to capture them again. It was always a tiring journey and he absolutely disliked migrating randomly from day to day just to find hunt. But one day, when on a hunt for a giant bird creature, Dra encountered an artifact that would change his life. The dragon discovered a bright silver rock, which unbeknownst to him was a weather divine cord. Having been ravenous for food for the past several days, the dragon ate the stone and was greeted to an unexpected outcome. His body surged with this newfound power and he eventually found himself in control of the weather itself. He could control when and where the storms flew, as well as manifest blizzards and droughts in order to drive out food prey into the open for Dra to capture and eat. He quickly established himself as a god and was equally quick to be worshipped by the mortals for his tremendous power. For a time, he really seemed to master his once worse enemy... Well, almost. While he surged in magical energy, it eventually became too much for him to handle. The amount of magic slowly began to strain his long, slender body as he was constantly riddled with terrible aches and pains. That along with the mortals demanding his powers all at once from one corner of Tabrasa to the other, also tired him immensely. If only there was some way he could control this power. Yet his prayers were answered as his body began to morph in order to keep the magical energy balanced through his body. His body began to fluctuate, his tubular body transforming into a powerful and muscular vessel, and suddenly grew two heads, each carrying a portion of Dra's power. The only drawback was that certain portions of his psychi would be placed into each head. Dra's left head, Kai, would inherit his destructive and insane side, whilst controlling the power of drought, firestorms, and tornados. He acts almost purely upon burning empathy. His right head, Ros, would inherit his cold yet calculating side, controlling and manipulating the power of blizzards and other cold weather patterns. He acts almost purely upon cold logic. Dra was left as the leading head, still having major influence over his two conjoined subjects, and kept his reasonable and logical side. He represents a balance between the two head's ideals of thinking. And if he needs to be in separate locations at once, they can split into three dragons and portal their way towards their destined location. Thus Drakairós was born. Today, he's usually seen high within his Palace or soaring across the land with today's weather close behind him. Rarely does he join with the rest of the god's debates revolving around their politics, for he has virtually no interest unless directly mentioned. [color=fff200][b][u]Notes:[/u][/b][/color] TBA [color=fff200][b][u]Misc:[/u][/b] [/color] - Drakariós is actually a combination of the words "Draco" (Latin for "Dragon") and "Kariós" (Greek for "Weather"), essentially making the rough translation of "Weather Dragon". - Drakariós often refers to himself as "We", due to how he's of three minds. They can split back to their original 3 forms if needed and can appear anywhere through their respected portals. [color=fff200][b][i]"Put it on OUR Tabula."[/i][/b][/color] [hider=WE ARE DRAKAIRÓS] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=The Chant of Drakariós] [youtube][/youtube] [/hider] [/center] [/hider]