Back again! Yay! Now back to business proper. [@Lmpkio] - Your CS is looking quite nice thus far. As far as the map is concerned once all the gods with physical locales are set and after I make the first post I'll move the map onto the front page of the OOC tab as it's pretty much what I'm going with in terms of geography since it's nicer looking than whatever I could cook up. [@Vega7] - I've got your character listed in the page top roster of the characters tab now that I have the time. For everyone else if you've gotten my permission to submit your character to the characters tab and I haven't updated the gods list to include yours do let me know so I can get them up there. I try to remember these things but alas I am sadly human. [@Dealdric] - Of course. Do let us know when they're finished, I'd like to read them. Just a general update: I should have the first post done by tomorrow. If not I'll be sure to keep you all apprised of my progress so you can know just how far along I am with it. I also wish to thank everyone so far with helping one another along, answering questions and the like. I hope you all will enjoy what I have in store and I look forward to seeing all your characters in play.