“Yes.” She was ready to go. She couldn’t hear anything to suggest they had unwelcome company waiting for them, though the rain and walls admittedly dampened quite a bit of any potential noise. Talk about names and teams and cults could come later, though… They probably should discuss these things sooner rather than later. But 02 found herself unwilling to stall their forward momentum for something as intangible as a word. Nor did she think she’d need to know how to introduce their group to anyone beyond violence or as messengers sent by GF. She didn’t really [i]want[/i] anyone else to know them. Or… to know about them. But now wasn’t the time. “Think as we go. In your head.” Fiddling with her mask as she spoke, 02 was relearning where more of its controls were, though she couldn’t quite remember what each did yet. It felt like if she kept following the tracks of muscle memory they’d lead her somewhere. Though it likely wasn’t the best time to experiment. “To the door? I don’t hear anything like those Varden nearby.”