[@Lmpkio] - Actually it's more the opposite. The world was calm and everything was as it should be. There were great forest and oceans, birds occupied the skies, fish occupied the waters and both insects and beasts of great variety roamed the lands. All the while the sun and moon calmly danced across the skies as they should. In truth the time between the origin of the gods and the point at which the rp takes place isn't very long. The gods of the world appeared at the same time as humanity was born. As humanity went about they created new domains which gave rise to the gods of man. After all that came the newest gods and that is basically where this is starting. The opening posts are largely meant to give everyone's gods a chance to meet, interact and play with humans as they will. Once all that is set there will likely be a time skip giving everyone a chance to discuss and show how the actions of the gods changed the societies of man which bleeds into the stage where they start forming small cities and gathering groups of tribes under their banners to form the first armies the world will know. Or whatever other wackiness occurs, it's impossible to tell what might happen when gods are at play which is part of the fun.