Aye, I actually intended ya try and address some of those things in that lore doc I sent ya, though with twists of sorts. For starters the Ulayh Orcs utilize more of an ancestral worship instead of praying to deities of sorts, though they do have some ancient family memebers who have said to ascended to a godlike status. I’m expanding more on this as I can imagine it. With Ulayh’s penchant for slave labor, the act of farming itself isn’t very well respected since in Ulayh it’s considered Slave work. Not helped by the ruling family purposely spreading this ideal in order to dehumanize (deorcitize?) their Slave population. Land-owners on the other hand are much more respected; since they have to be the ones to not only keep their slaves in line but also defend their lands from raiders, those who own the farms tend to be strong warriors themselves. Indeed, strong warriors tend to own their own land since the current king believes only they are capable of protecting it. While Might-Makes-Right is still something supported in Ulayh, there’s a twist to it; the current king is trying to change the ancient customs so that you can’t sinply off a guy who disagrees with you, putting in more checks and balances. This he learned from their human allies. Of course this isn’t for any sense of justice or fairness either; this is just a ploy by the ruling class to consolidate power among himself and his allies. This way some upstart or ambitious warrior can’t just come in, challenge him in a fight, get lucky, and become the new king. Basically, they want to make Right-Makes-Might, where the mighty already rule. Incidentally Ulayh has pride itself for [i]not[/i] falling into cannibalism thanks to its prosperous crop growth, trade deals, and success in piracy and raiding. They like to lord over other orc clans who have turned to or had a history of cannibalism as being little more than beasts in the shape of men. Which of course is just another tool to make the general populace of Ulayh show extreme prejudice against slaves, who have turned to cannibalism since their masters would rarely give them enough food to survive. It’s not uncommon for “Slop”, which is the grey goo fed to slaves, being nothing more than the remains of their fellows stewed until it’s form is indistinguishable. Though sometimes it might just be the remains of other creatures, like animal bones, hooves, intestines, etc.