I'll just throw down a pun and a quirk for now then, as I work out the finer details, hopefully this evening. [hider=shocking] [center][h1][u]A k a r i[/u][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QbYGFkM.jpg[/img][/center] [color=#F7DC6F][sub][u]N A M E[/u][/sub][/color] [list]明るい 灯 Akarui Akari[/list] [color=#F7DC6F][sub][u]A G E[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Fifteen[/list] [color=#F7DC6F][sub][u]O R I G I N[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Osaka, Japan[/list] [color=#F7DC6F][sub][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y T R O P E S[/u][/sub][/color] [list]oh lawdy the sass[/list] [color=#F7DC6F][sub][u]D E S C R I P T I O N[/u][/sub][/color] [list]she a looker[/list] [color=#F7DC6F][sub][u]Q U I R K T Y P E[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Mutation[/list] [color=#F7DC6F][sub][u]Q U I R K D E S C R I P T I O N[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Akari's quirk, aptly named [b]Battery[/b], endows her with the ability to absorb electricity she comes in contact with like a sponge and store it safely within herself. Once absorbed, she is capable of burning this energy empower her body and perform feats of physicality far beyond her baseline limits. As she is incapable of producing electricity with her quirk, Akari must depend on external sources to recharge should she exhaust herself. Additionally, she must carefully ration out the electricity she has absorbed, as the amount of 'juice' she has on tap at any given time not only fuels her quirk, but is intrinsically tied to the amount of stamina she has available. She has found, in recent years, that she is able to discharge her stored power on contact with a surface, but seeing as though it more quickly depletes her reserves, she has not explored it in depth.[/list] [color=#F7DC6F][sub][u]C A P A B I L I T I E S[/u][/sub][/color] [list]all kinda skill[/list] [color=#F7DC6F][sub][u]Q U E S T I O N A I R E[/u][/sub][/color] [list]this where she talk[/list] [/hider]