[@vFear] Everything seems okay, but the alteration of the quirk to allow transportation of people seems stronk. The user of this quirk in the manga could only do this given almost a year of training. [HIDER=Spoiler][img]https://img.mangastream.com/cdn/manga/121/5352/08.png[/img][/HIDER] Once she brings them in with her into the "Black", is there any way to counter it or are they trap there for as long as she's making use of her quirk? [@Asura] So far, so good. I like what I see. [@ShwiggityShwah] I'm having a hard time visualizing what you're wanting to go with. What I'm imagining are limbs that would probably look like Sero's tape, but still retain the ability and strength of one's arms, if not stronger.