Eliezer returned late that night to find a tea set on his bedside table. Had Allister been looking for him? The prince felt the pot, finding the beverage inside to be lukewarm. It had definitely been some time since the butler had come in, and Eliezer hoped that he had not alerted anyone else of his absence, though, he could simply claim that he had been elsewhere in the palace during that time, could he not? "Eliezer, thank goodness you're safe!" Eliezer turned at the sudden voice of his brother. "I suspected that you had left the palace when I could not find you. Did you really?" It would seem that apart from Allister, Mathazar, too, had been missing him. However, his twin was the only one he had nothing to hide from, and he nodded at the question. "Do Father and Mother know of my absence?" Mathazar shook his head. "Thankfully, they do not. I was truly alarmed, Eliezer. I could only think of the possible dangers you might have gotten yourself into." "I would expect that you are now aware of the similar apprehension that you put me through whenever [i]you[/i] leave the palace unannounced, brother," Eliezer pointed out. "I... understand," the younger sighed humorously, before changing the topic. "I assume that you left to obtain information. I am unsure if I am comfortable with what Lady Omrea is doing to you, Eliezer." "It is my duty to know the state that our people are in, as well as to ensure the safety of Dainia and our family. I wish to tread carefully with regards to our suspicions of Lady Omrea." "What are your findings this night?" Mathazar asked. At his brother's enquiry, Eliezer remembered the startling information he had recently discovered. That is, if he decided to believe what he had been told. "The people whom I have spoken to tonight claim that Father ordered a raid on the Wynton Forest in search of Lunar's heir during what we know as a mere territorial dispute. It is difficult to believe that the King would be guilty of such a thing, but it would make perfect sense if I refer to Lady Omrea's account of her parents' deaths. I am unsure of who to trust at this point. Even as I am speaking to you, I..." He trailed off, also remembering what the woman at the tavern had told him about Mathazar and how she had described the lady he was with. It was too accurate for it to have been a coincidence. He was certain that the lady was Raven. His lady had made her own claims about how she had met Mathazar, and he was now curious to know the entire story. "You were seen approaching Lady Omrea at Gloomvale Tavern a few a nights ago. Is this true, brother?" Considering what Eliezer might know, Mathazar figured that his presence at the tavern that night was something that he should not risk lying about. "That is true. You see, we were already acquainted before, and I owed her a debt." "She has told me about how she had defended you from attackers," the elder recalled from his conversation with Raven. However, something about all of it still disturbed him. "Although, it is common knowledge that the patrons of Gloomvale hold deep animosity towards the royal family. Did you not suspect a thing when you were to meet with her there to return the favor?" Mathazar was relieved that the initial part of his side of the story had matched with Raven's, but he could tell that Eliezer was becoming suspicious. "The decision was mine. I sincerely hope that you are not truly implying what I believe you are. Is it so difficult to believe that I care for our people as much as you do? If I had knowledge of Lady Omrea's bloodline then, I would have never let her near you." It was at this point when Eliezer started to wonder if he had gone too far. What he had learned seemed more than he was ready to handle, and there was too much to properly think about. "In all honesty, I do not know anymore, Mathazar..." "All this time, Eliezer, have I even once given you reason to distrust me?" Eliezer could tell that his brother was slightly upset at what he had said. Mathazar might just be right. What [i]was[/i] his situation doing to him? Mathazar had been his support and closest confidant all his life, and it would be wrong for that to simply change based on any speculations his mind could come up with. Eliezer shook his head. "No, I... I should not have suspected you of anything. Forgive me, brother, I did not mean to hurt you. You mean the world to me, you know that-" Mathazar took his brother by the shoulders. "Calm yourself, Eliezer. You are weary, and deeply troubled, I understand. Please rest, we shall speak again in the morning." The younger then pulled his twin into a comforting hug before leaving the room. [hr] The following day saw the crown prince alone in the palace library, or shared study of the royal family. He had gone through several books available in the room until he had found one that told of the Kingdom of Lunar. He looked through the list of Lunar's noble bloodlines, and as expected, the name 'Omrea' was nowhere to be found. It was understandable that Raven's father would have wanted to change his family name upon elopement, and even if he did not, that Raven would have wanted to change hers when she moved to the village. Thinking back to the pocket watch, he proceeded to flip to the list of Lunar's noble and royal treasures, only to find that the few relevant pages were missing. "Oh, for goodness sake..." he muttered, nearly inaudibly as he leaned back in his seat in frustration. However, it then struck him how suspicious it was that the exact information he was looking for had been taken out. Someone in the palace was trying to prevent others from knowing such details. To confirm his suspicion, Eliezer turned to the pages that would tell of Lunar's involvement in the Wynton Forest Battle. As he had expected, they were torn out as well. Could it really be that the king was hiding something? Hearing footsteps approaching the room, he slammed the book shut and slid it under the pile of literature on the desk before opening something else to read.