Greetings Fellow RP'ers! ( You may call me [u]SS[/u] or [u]Soul[/u] for short. )​ I'll try and keep this as short and sweet as possible, but seeing as this IS a RT, I do have some "requests" to make of my potential RP partners. 1> Please BE ACTIVE! At least a reply a day or once every other day will suffice. 2> Absolutely NO ONE-LINERS! At least 3 - 10 sentences per paragraph. 3> NO text-talk. Even during OOC. 4> FC's are nice, but they aren't a do-or-die-deal. 5> I LOVE dark and grim RP's, as to me they have more story to them. 6> I prefer the "SUBMISSIVE FEMALE ROLE". 7> I prefer to RP via the PM'ing system, but we'll see how this goes? * FAVORITE PLOT TWISTS * Angst / Pain Romance Betrayals Pregnancies Belly-Rubbing Physical / Mental Pain Blood-Play * PAIRINGS * Soul's Role: VAMPIRE FLEDGLING PARTNER'S ROLE: Vampire Master Soul's Role: HUMAN PARTNER'S ROLE: Vampire Soul's Role: HUMAN PARTNER'S ROLE: Alien Soul's Role: HUMAN PARTNER'S ROLE: Demon Soul's Role: DAUGHTER PARTNER'S ROLE: Father Soul's Role: MENTAL PATIENT PARTNER'S ROLE: Mental Patient Soul's Role: RUNAWAY PARTNER'S ROLE: Psycho Soul's Role: VICTIM PARTNER'S ROLE: Torturer Soul's Role: KIDNAPPED PARTNER'S ROLE: Kidnapper Soul's Role: SLAVE PARTNER'S ROLE: Master Soul's Role: MENTAL PATIENT PARTNER'S ROLE: Doctor / Shrink Soul's Role: SISTER PARTNER'S ROLE: Brother Soul's Role: MERMAID PARTNER'S ROLE: Pirates / Captor [b]~~~[/b] If interested in RP'ing with me, please don't be shy to send me a PM and we'll see what we can't cook up together! Looking forward to it!