[center][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Qq-aCSybI2Q/VdTrzQopcCI/AAAAAAACYkY/IsKbqx2MWLc/s1600/41.gif[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180928/5d3d6786cf173f7cdf9e8359c87b162d.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cf/3a/78/cf3a7807cf5ec7d6227f4895c3393d70.gif[/img][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8c/06/dc/8c06dcffaf12e28fa88917393fbd747b.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [color=wheat]Location: The McCarthy McMansion Starring: Kate, Simon and Lee McCarthy[/color] [hr][hr] Friday morning in the McCarthy household, like every other day that preceded it was a day of routine or at least it was supposed to be. Kate was always the first one awake in the family. She’d be up at 5am, working on her latest deposition or prosecution and she’d do that for at least an hour before her husband and son would be up to go for their morning jog. By the time they returned breakfast would be on the table and then they’d go onto their individual days from there. That was the usual routine. It had pretty much been that way since the day Kate arrived from France. She had met Simon her first day at an American College and they had never looked back. Today was different. Kate had gotten up first as always, or at least she thought. She could hear muffled voices from her sons bedroom, all but confirming in her mind her recent theory that Lee had found himself a new girlfriend. Opening her sons bedroom door but a crack, she peered in and watched as he danced around the room, obviously in a state of glee or post love glow. A smile crept across her lips. She knew those dances lessons she paid for would be worth it some day. The slight feeling of elation levelled out when Kate felt a large presence behind her, she glanced over her shoulder and recognised the mountain that was her husband. [color=teal]”Bonjour mon mari”[/color] [color=Red]”We need to talk about Leighton”[/color] [hr] Simon McCarthy had made his bones on Wall Street. He had changed greed from a dirty word to a way of life. He had taken five hundred dollar investments and turned them into five hundred thousand dollar a month incomes. He was the best in the world at what he did. Wheeling, dealing and hustling was in his blood and he had used all of his considerable talents to build a life for his wife and son. The hand he had been dealt was a good one, if you looked at it from the outside. Simon though, he was not happy. Financially they were stable, emotionally, he and Kate were fine but Lee, they had to do something about it. The problems had started a few years ago. Lee was on a hot streak on the football team; his sack per game ratio was off the charts and he was setting new records for the mathletes. It was a normal practice like any other, it was one of the few that Simon had decided to attend to see just how good his boy was. Lee had a straight path to yet another sack, he was mere inches away and then that was it, his legs gave out and he crashed to the floor. A slip up, nothing to worry about. Then the following week, a call from the school; Lee had forgotten how to multiply by seven. His hands would tremble during dinner and his gaze was vacant, something was seriously wrong. Huntington’s; his brain cells were dying, slowly. It was early, normally symptoms don’t show until later in life. There was no cure, it would kill the boy. How long? That depended on him. It was manageable with medication, at least for now. When a clinical trial testing new drugs was announced through the grapevine, Simon moved heaven and Earth to get his son enrolled into the program. He had been there for several months before appearing back on their doorstep recently. Kate and Simon sat opposite each other at their dining table, furrowed brows and frowns. [color=Red]”We need to do something about him. He’s out all night, doing god knows what and I guarantee he is putting shit in his body which is undoing all the work the doctors did for him in New York. Not to mention, we were paying a god damn fortune every week to keep him in that trial and he up and left. It’s like wants to die!”[/color] [color=teal]”He’s a teenager, babe. He’s just being stubborn. Besides, we know he’s still doing his exercises and taking his medications. He’s just taking a break…”[/color] [color=Red]”...Bullshit, Katheryn”[/color] Simon interrupted quite forcefully. [color=burgundy]”We have invested so much into that boy and he’s pissing it away. He doesn’t care”[/color] Kate took a sip from her cranberry juice and let out a great sigh through her nose. She knew her husband was right, they had raised a selfish boy; a boy obsessed with material things and whom, in spite neglects his true skills and talents in life. [color=teal]”That might change, Simon. I think he might just find something worth fighting for. I’m positive he’s met a girl”[/color] Mr Wall Street shook his head in disagreement. [color=Red]”Don’t be so naive, sweetheart. Teenage romance isn’t built to last, betting on that is not a sound strategy”[/color] [color=teal]”Stop looking at Lee likes he an investment, Simon. He’s a human being and humans, yes are a creatures that follow a pattern but do not apply your work strategies to our son. He might just surprise us, He’s just like you and you still surprise me”[/color] [hr] The plan was very simple; after school Lee would hurry home change into his Friday best and Hyde who would be chauffeuring for the evening, would pick him up at seven and they’d be at Stella’s place by seven twenty and at the movie theatre by seven thirty three. The handsome hustler had the evening planned to a tee. Being raised by two people who lived their lives by clockwork was both a blessing and a curse. Yes it meant that Leightons life was incredibly regimented but it also meant that nobody could plan and have a field like he could. The plan was a simple one, after spending every night talking to Stella he realised that a fancy show of cash wasn’t the best way to approach her; the classic movie and dinner combination was his next move. Heading downstairs, the prince of nothing charming was met by the steely glares of both of his parents. [color=wheat]”Wow, the three McCarthys in a room together. What is it Christmas?”[/color] [color=Red]”Don’t get smart, Leighton. You’re not too old for me to put my foot up your ass”[/color] Simon reached under the table and put a vial on the countertop. [color=Red]”Your mother and I have been talking and we’re not happy”[/color] Kate looked her son up and down and shook her head. [color=teal]”We’re not sure why you’re back here, mon fils. We payed a lot of money to get you into that trial. It may not seem like it but your health is our main priority. Which is why we’re going to be grounding you, no hanging around with that Hyde character or seeing this new girl of yours unless…”[/color] She motioned to the medication. [color=teal]”We make ourselves a little deal”[/color] Frustrated, Lee clenched his fists and took a step forward towards his parents. [color=wheat]”Mom I….”[/color] Simon got to his feet and put his hand up in a halt signal. He may have been a businessman but you’d be blind not to see that Simon McCarthy was built like a damn grizzly bear. [color=Red]”Mouth shut, Lee. You do not throw rocks at a man who's got a machine gun and right now I’m a damn battalion”[/color] [color=teal]”If you really don’t want to go back to New York then here is our counter..”[/color] and it was this moment that Kate went straight into lawyer mode. [color=teal]”Every morning, you do your exercises with your father and you take your Tetrabenazine with me. We get regular updates every few hours and you show us your memory logs. We won’t pry into your personal business but we need to know your safe. Do this and you get to finish your senior year at BHHS. You break any of these rules, your ass is going back to NY”[/color] Deal or No Deal, Mr McCarthy?[/center]