(So much has happen) The man who Team Rocket yelled at, took one look at them with his good eye, the other covered by an eyepatch with a large jagged scar that went down it. "Team Rocket? Nope, don't recognise you two, must be really insignificant in the large scale of things" he said in a horse gruff voice before he completely ignored them when Liam showed up. "Hmm interesting, boss said this would be an easy job but low and behold here come Gold Threat number 3 Liam the would be Dragon master. I must admit I was expecting a more impressive sight then a 15 year old kid" he said before he chuckled and looked at his underlings. "If he's here, Gold Threat 1 and 2 are probably here as well, I suspect that bitch in the Kitsune mask is here as well. I'll take on this shorty alone, you prevent anyone else from interfering" he told them who answered with sir and then moved to intercept anyone who was heading towards Liam. Though they left just after Chuck got there, "Oh another one. Oh your that boy who's only a medium low threat on our list" Alexander said to Chuck. -- Jen would suddenly see the familer form of Veronica as she ran beside the young girl. "Where is Alexander Jen? He's a very powerful trainer who's fought many of the world's most powerful trainers and has beaten them. I think Father once mentioned that he had obtained every badge in every region and has beaten Elite four and champions" She asked her. -- Away from the other events, Sashia dropped down in Front of the other two members of team Rocket and smirked as she said "Hello trouble makers". Elisa was next to her and Illusion was watching from the shadows.