[@Lazo][@Awesomoman64][@Guess Who][@Abillioncats] [h3]Blossoming Relationships[/h3] "Excellent," said the inspector, and the poodle wagged its tail in agreement with its owner's declaration. "I look forward to seeing Vale's teachings in action." There was little else to be said as the journey continued. All on board the Atlesian vessel knew their place and purpose, so few words were exchanged beyond what pertained directly to their business. Every once in a while, Thoúlē Aristeas would wander the bridge, her flats tapping quietly against the steel floor as she gave her canine companion a better view of the skies around them. She would also, from time to time, speak to the captain in private, but generally she was a neutral observer, for her role had yet to come. However, the role of Team SVRT, after a long, long wait, had. "We have a flock of Nevermores inbound," reported the man at the sensors. "Visuals confirm around sixty individuals. Your orders, captain?" "Prepare the cannons," the captain said. "Sweep them all from our skies. Don't let a single one escape! And -" She glanced over at Thoúlē, then at SVRT. "Hunters," she continued. "You may take the elevator up onto the hull. We await your success."