[center] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSTeNfo7a1_8UhsZzfhr3VD3qSoBwfqlizPnZ1rKMJ-X54kTw6g4Q[/img] [img] https://i.imgur.com/ZnOpQuF.png[/img] & [img]https://i.imgur.com/NeeWKCw.png[/img][/center] Location: Lachance Stronghold – Henderson, Nevada —> Sunrise Hospital Time: Noon, the Day before the Satellite Attack —> Morning, Two Days after the HoH arc [hr] Benjamin sat in the overly starched sheets curled about his thin body. The back of his bed propped up his torso while his head stared at the window, watching the morning light dance through the gossamer curtains. Birds bobbed fluttered across it while singing their morning songs in blissful ignorance about his mood. The IV drip mixed with the hospital’s activity in the backdrop, adding to the depressive state his mentality was in. Chemicals, body odor, and sickness swept through his nostrils causing his middle to churn from rising anxiety. The wolf inside him didn’t like this place. A mutual feeling he shared after discovering he couldn’t hold anything down, making him weaker since the Lachance stronghold. Memories began to swirl around in his head. He had went back to his room in order to inform Katarina about their departure when he found the letter. More evidence that he could trust no one to stick around and their connections were fleeting, his heart drowned in disappointment. Knowing he couldn’t stick around, Yeong and him used the wand to return to his hotel room. Once back, Yeong received a call about Ji. Something had happened during the Agency registry causing the pair to become fugitives. He doubted he likely would ever see them again. On the day of the Hounds of Humanity’s attack, Vegas went into lock down. Civilians were ushered into underground areas, from parking lots to bunkers, where everyone ended up huddling into darkness. The next day, the threat had passed and word of the heroes victory spread. It was during that time Benjamin remembered collapsing from weakness. The last thing he heard before he wound up in the hospital was Lori’s voice trying to coax him awake. A failing attempt for kindness. Now he could only watch time pass as his figure got weaker and weaker. The doctors were baffled to why he couldn’t hold anything down. Series of blood tests were done, and none resulted in an answers. Theories were tossed about with no evidence to support them as drugs were introduced to his IV to see his reaction to them. He wondered how he hadn’t overdosed yet. [hr] Things had been strange as of late, for Joseph Walhforth it was even abnormal. But as he found himself in a Hospital in Nevada he knew exactly what he was here for even if he himself doubted his existence. Memories that were and weren't his flowed into his mind as he changed his clothes and donned scrubs. He was a doctor even as his sisters chose the business side of the family he went to medical school being the second oldest meant he had far less pressure to succeed as the heir; so he studied medicine and psychology. Stepping through the halls he had already checked in with the nurses specialists had been called in with an unusual case and he was already aware of the patient having disguised himself earlier. He was a doctor, and a hunter. And now a patient needed him and he knew what the diagnosis was. “Mr Reeves. Dr. Walhforth. I heard your son had a unusual condition. How is he faring?” Daniel Reeves turned from his cell phone conversation, cutting it short with a quick word and pocketed it. His attention turned to Dr. Walhforth before nodding his acknowledgement. Fully turning his figure around to face the man, Daniel began to address the situation. Standing before him was a young man who was far younger than the average doctor specializing in their field should be; he wore it as a badge of honor that he could graduate and accomplish so much before his thirtieth birthday. He held out his olive skinned hand for a greeting and listened as the father began to explain things for a second time. As his earlier disguise was either that good or the man simply couldn't bother to put the two together something he couldn't help but judge the man for. “Early bulimia. Odd. Perhaps I can find something. Can I have a few moments alone. I'd like not to crowd the boy if possible. This must be quite stressful on him, hospitals are often strange for young children. Even those of adolescent age.” “I suppose if it helps,” Daniel glanced back at Ben, silently, then gestured for his girlfriend to come with him. Lori hesitated before she stroked Benjamin’s head, pushing his bangs away. She leaned down to whisper something quietly under hearing range. Casually she stood upright then followed Daniel out of the room. “Thank you Mr Reeves.” Moving into the boy's room he softly closed the door behind him. And no doubt the boy could smell him if he was conscious enough. “Benjamin Reeves. I am Joseph Walhforth perhaps your new doctor. That depends on how this goes. I heard you had signs of bulimia which would make sense if you had the damage from it. I assure you that is not what you have. And I know what you have with certainty. After all I'm a specialist in your kind. Tell me how does the wolf fare these days?” Benjamin weakly twisted his head from his pillow and faced the doctor. His eyes narrowed on the man before causing the gears inside his head to grind slowly through the weakness attacking his body. [color=chocolate] “I don’t know… what do you think?”[/color] He couldn’t help but growl, through the sound was like a defeated animal. One waiting for the end. “He's dying. You're dying. If you can't answer a simple question then that means you haven't received any training or even social cues from other wolves. Loneliness is a serious issue for wolves and it will kill them if something isn't done. Not all. But for someone as young and inexperienced as you it has begun to reject food and is killing you both. I can temporarily stop that. But it is a stop gap. A medicine that is a weak poison. Enough to weaken the beast. Something used by other werewolves to prevent turning, something no longer in use because it'll build up and kill you.” Joseph stopped and sat next to the boy. “Your choice. A single use won't kill you. But this will not happen again, you need to learn to be in harmony with your wolf. And we'll need to come up with something to satisfy the hospital. And your father.” Pulling out a jar with an unusual worm. He sat it down. “This will do. Eating it will not be pleasant.” [color=chocolate] “No way I’m eating that. Why do you care? I’m just another series of numbers on your paycheck,”[/color] Ben snapped abruptly, his words intended to hurt and distance himself. His figure slumped back into his pillow where he turned to the wall. He refused to look at the worm as he continued to explain. [color=chocolate] “Besides, my ‘wolf’ doesn’t want to be in harmony with me. Something about it’s hard to co-exist with someone that’s unable to face… things.”[/color] “I don't, I don't know you. But I did nothing once I lost someone and I became a doctor because I didn't want to sit on the sidelines again. I'm a Champion of the mortal realm. Just perhaps not this realm.” Joseph said as he paused a few times in his speech. [color=chocolate] “I’m pretty sure every doctor might’ve thought that same thing at one point. It still doesn’t resolve the problem. When my wolf wakes up, I’ll just start throwing up again,”[/color] Benjamin pointed out, accepting that he was trapped in the conversation. [color=chocolate] “How do you intend to prevent that?”[/color] Thinking Benjamin did have a point, it would be hard after the boy ate to keep any food down once the wolf began to stir. He'd have to make a bond with someone soon, hopefully he could come up with something. “We'll cross that later. I have an Aunt who works with SPARK she may be able to provide some services to connect you with more of your kind. If not something will need to be done. For now we need preventative measures to improve your survival rate. And I might need to be quick about it as your father and I say that lightly, will be getting impatient.” With a flourish Joseph's hand moved and he let loose a wave of light that almost moved with it's own will. “Just a simple healing spell.” Engulfing the boy it permeated his skin and sunk all the way to the bones as if he was being warmed from the outside in. Ben’s nostrils flared. His nose caught the scent of magic causing his head to snap toward Joseph, feeling the magic swell across his skin and dig deep into his being. Even as it faded, his eyes blinked in confusion. [color=chocolate] “That sort of smells like… her,”[/color] Benjamin commented, not realizing his body had edged closer to the man. Like trying to draw comfort from a memory. Joseph was a bit startled. Only a few creatures he knew of could smell magic. He had never heard of a werewolf with the ability even more so that he was entranced by it. “We’ll need to talk about that later. And 'her’ but for now..” Benjamin Reeves, and his father Daniel. A laugh echoed as a man exited his car and strolled through the pristine halls. Coming to a corner he stopped when he saw Daniel. [color=cd0000]”Mr. Reeves, and Lori. If you were coming to Vegas you should have let me know, but no I understand I hear your boy has become afflicted with something and I say that because I know the Editor of the local paper, good fellow. You owe me by the way convinced him to run his story later I’m not the only one keeping tabs on you. Being popular and all.”[/color] With a red glow his eyes began to shine leaving Daniel and Lori almost zombified. [color=cd0000]”But that’s not why I’m here and I’ll need to ask you two to give me a moment. Sit down, you both look exhausted.” [/color] Lori was the first to notice him. She turned from staring at the room door then flashed him a weak smile. Daniel, meanwhile, had been busy chattering on his cell. She lightly smacked him with her hand, getting his attention immediately. Pausing, he held his other hand over the speaker to and saw Barron. The DA promptly closed his phone to give his full attention to the man inquiring about his son. His eyes glossed over in the familiar trance state while he shifted over to the nearest plastic seating arrangement, his cell pocketed for later. Lori appeared to follow suit as well. Their figures slumped down a bit, relaxing their tense muscles and laying onto each other for support. For the first time since they arrived, they looked like an exhausted couple waiting for news about their child. Daniel was the only one that spoke, “We’re still waiting to hear news about Benjamin’s condition. I hope it’s treatable.” [color=cd0000]”I'm sure it will all work out. Though I will need you to advert your attention as I walk on in. I'm sure you won't be the wiser while I'm gone.”[/color] Barron said as he reached towards the door he could feel another was in the room. His eyes glowing as he greeted the young Doctor. [color=cd0000]”Ah how is young Benjamin? Barron Vanderbilt, family friend..”[/color] The glow grew brighter as he tried to convince the doctor who he was. Joseph clutched a talisman a crudely made creation of his one he had to prepare hastily as he woke a week earlier. “Are you. I’m afraid this is for families only, we’re not letting the patient have visitors at this moment.” Joseph could tell almost instantly that what just walked in the room was no ordinary vampire. Powerful and immensely dangerous he just had to hope that there wouldn’t be a scuffle. Benjamin jerked toward the door, his tension melted at Barron’s image. A mixture of intense anger and depression wrestled within him. The two poisonous scorpions trying to own the same shoebox. His eyes closed as he inhaled, catching the vampire’s rusty iron scent mingle with the blood magic he wield. It seemed to draw just a hint of life into his wolf for the moment. Not wasting it, he let his eyes open then spoke,[color=chocolate] “If you keep popping up like this, people might start thinking you got a thing for underaged guys.”[/color] He turned to Joseph. [color=chocolate] “He’s not going to hurt me. He had the chance when I tried to rip out his throat when we first met.”[/color] [color=cd0000]”Hey! Snarky remarks like that could get you killed one day, better bulk up even Spiderman learned that lesson. But you two seem cozy enough I suppose I can drop the act. Yes I know the boy, and yes I do show up quite often and this time with reason, well a few. I’ve been keeping an eye on you and your Witchy freind bumping elbows with a blue haired fae witch,”[/color] Pausing he questioned if that was the right word before his abrupt continuation. [color=cd0000]”Ehh witch or not she’s just as cold hearted. Something about their craft just makes them cold you know, too professional or some shit. Anyways you talk to her again let her know her friend is a bitch.”[/color] [color=chocolate] “Well, she’s not here. She left,”[/color] Ben tried to keep the hint of pain out of his voice,[color=chocolate] “Just like the ten others that left since I was turned, about what… nearly a week now?”[/color] [color=cd0000]”Well shit, that’s rough but I heard you needed peeps so I got you some.”[/color] Barron said holding out a box of marshmallow confections. [color=cd0000]”See they’re dogs.”[/color] [color=chocolate] “I can’t keep anything down. I’ve already tried...and marshmallows are disgusting being thrown up,”[/color] Ben frowned, looking slightly green at the thought. His eyes looked at the box then shook his head, trying to rattle the queasy notion away. “Smooth. But the boy needs his rest and a pack. He can’t go on..” Interrupted by Barron he shushed at Joseph. [color=cd0000]”Look I have that covered, I can set him up with a few wolves, let him train. Either here or in New York. I’ve got the manpower.”[/color] Barron said tossing the peeps behind himself. [color=cd0000]”Look we fought, or well I beat your ass. But hey I took an interest I know that you’re valuable and right now more vulnerable than ever before and that is why I’m helping. I help you out and you’ll help me with a thing later. And unless you can convince your father that you weren’t here helping witches find lost artifacts and all that hair is just puberty; you’re going to need some help yourself.”[/color] “I trust this guy like mold in my kitchen.” [color=cd0000]”Your opinion is noted and ignored.”[/color] Clasping his hands together, he continued. [color=cd0000]”Your choice is either be in my debt, or take whatever magic boy here is badly hiding from me. Honestly what the fuck is in that jar?”[/color] Ben turned to Joseph,[color=chocolate] “I don’t either, but honestly do you have any better permanent solutions? “[/color] Part of him was hoping, even slightly, that the man did. However, the logic and realism pitted the odds in Barron’s favor on this problem. “I.. No.” Joseph said failing the boy. “I however if you wish will continue to be your doctor. I’d prefer to keep tabs on you than let you disappear.” Barron holding his hand over his chest faked a shocked expression. [color=cd0000]”You doubt me!? The boy will be perfectly safe. I’m not going to snatch him away. Not like a kidnapper though it does feel like it. I think I should rephrase something.”[/color] Shifting the conversation Barron snapped his head up quickly. [color=cd0000]”Anyways your in charge Ben, my guys will just help you understand your wolf.”[/color] Ben just gave Barron a look. One that screamed distrust and suspicion created by the simple, innocent statement. It was very clear Benjamin trusted Barron as far as he could throw the vampire, a distance that measured very little. [color=chocolate] “Since I’m in charge, I decided to keep him as my doctor. I feel like I will need it. Our last few encounters rarely ended without someone drawing blood in some fashion…”[/color] [color=cd0000]”Fine. Easy enough to accomodate. See I’m easy to work with we’ll be buddies soon.”[/color] “Doubtful.” Leaning in he whispered to Ben. “I’ll get something to even the odds later.” Ben just nodded.