[h1]Voodoo and Xen[/h1] [Three Nights Ago...] It had been a long day of just running errands to make sure the twins had all the equipment necessary to make Markel’s emotion glove or whatever. Voodoo thought the idea behind tech was unnecessary and demeaning of the idea of a quirk. If you needed gear to help enhance your quirk you probably had a shitty one anyway. She had just left the den - a speakeasy bar that welcomed all types of heathens and neer-do-wells behind its walls - and figured she’d turn in for the day, but surprisingly, she saw the back of someone that looked all too familiar… [color=orange]“I know you…”[/color]She yelled, trailing off. Was it him? She didn’t even dare speak his name out of fear that it wasn’t. Xen turns around blunt in hand with a relaxed yet curious look on his face “.....me?” He asks in a slightly timid voice. [color=orange]“It’s YOU.”[/color]She asked incredulously. Something was off. Why wasn’t he excited to see her? Why was his voice so… shakey. [color=orange]“What, you can’t drop in anymore? I-...”[/color]She paused and then said softly[color=orange] “...missed you. I thought you were gone...”[/color] [color=9e0039]“Wait… you missed me? Where did we meet?? I feel like maybe we have---”[/color] at that point the demon begins to try to possess Xen but he fights it. The woman can clearly see something is wrong. [color=9e0039][i] “Just when the night is getting good you want to come cockblocking WHY CAN’T YOU LET ME LIVE??”[/i][/color] Xen screams inwardly at the Demon. [color=9e0b0f][i]“You are an idiot...shut up and let me talk..”[/i][/color] The demon possessed Xen long enough to speak to the woman. [color=9e0b0f]“Its been a long time hasn’t it my Voodoo?”[/color] Xen says in the voice she is familiar with. At first visibly annoyed by his memory loss, Voodoo’s head cocked to the side after the switch up. She had no idea he had multiple...personalities? But the voice that was speaking was the one she was used to. The normally apathetic girl always experienced a rush of emotions when she spoke with him. [color=orange]“Too long.”[/color] Before she could speak any more he takes her into his arms. “[color=9e0b0f] You get all twitchy and fidgety around me and it’s so unlike you. You’ve come so far from when I first found you in that dump of a place you were living. Even a demon has compassion for at least one soul and you happen to be it. I failed to protect you that day and fled under the guise of wanting to protect you from myself...I was wrong. I’ve missed you dearly my beloved and I won’t let you out of my sight again.”[/color] In that instant Xen regains control of his body but his memories have synced with the demons and now understands the things he at first did not. [color=9e0039]“Lil...help me stop what’s about to happen. You’re a smart girl and I know you somewhat know whats going on around here. I can’t just let the league have their way and kill those kids...not after what I’ve done. You don’t have to go along with this. Maybe we’ll never be heroes but you dont have to go down this path either.”[/color] Xen holds Voodoo tighter looking her in the eyes as she can see the torment in his eyes. The embrace was warm for Voodoo and it felt like home. She understood why he disappeared for so long in that brief moment but the other guy popped up before she had a chance to respond to his ‘other personality’. She shoved him off and regained her composure. [color=orange]“It’s none of your business.”[/color] Her expression was cold now, apathetic and calculating. Did he really think she was just going to stop? Why care about people who treated them like dirt? [color=orange]“Just stay out of the way and I won’t have to hurt you.”[/color] She pulled out the pocket knife she was prone to carry and held it gingerly. [color=orange]“You know what I can do… I don’t want to have to hurt you...but I will if i have to. Your other ‘side’ taught me that.”[/color] Always protect oneself was her go to motto… But she knew she could never hurt the guy who saved her. The only guy she’d ever loved. Before he could use his quirk, she took off and ran into a back alley. [color=9e0039]“Shit...I have to track her down. I hate tracking her down.”[/color] Xen levitates and begins to follow her trail. “I never should have left her…” [Flashback to 2 years ago] [color=9e0b0f]“You know some days you even scare me beloved”[/color] Xen casually says to Voodoo after she licks the blood from her knife. She smiled a twisted smile. Scars from her self inflicted wounds ran up and down her body. She always had more fun when she got to torture victims before killing them. They had been looking for information pertaining to a certain someone in this small village of Hoshiko. Her victim, a particularly useless farmer, was slumped over either dead or passed out from intense pain. [color=9e0b0f]“You’ve done well..lets get out of her---” [/color]an explosion goes off knocking both of us back as a new enemy appears. Xen wakes up to notice Voodoo is in an immense amount of pain and unconscious, [color=9e0b0f]“Hang in there I’m going to be done with this soon.” [/color] Getting up to fight Xen quickly realizes that his enemy is just a robot because it has no aura. Xen quickly dispatches the robot using his finger to disrupt and effectively melt the robot from the inside. He then returns to Voodoo but finds her unresponsive. [color=9e0b0f]“NO I swear to God not you too!”[/color] Xen says furiously trying to revive her but to no avail. His magic is incapable of raising anyone from the dead without the sacrifice of an equal soul. He feels her fading and in a rage he loses control of his powers. Xen has become a full blown demon and in his fit of rage levels Hoshiko until there is nothing left. Lightning still cracking in the distance, a wooden shaft had fallen perfectly to shield Voodoo, with debris on top of her. Unbeknownst to Xen, there was a tiny bit of life left as her second quirk, somewhat accelerated healing kicked in. Xen’s body becomes worn a badly beaten by the use of his power as he’s developed two strikes on his lung and one on his stomach. He’s got 13 strikes remaining. With his last bit of consciousness he can only see Voodoo lying in her own blood. [color=9e0b0f]“I couldn’t save her….I couldn’t do anything to protect her. I’m so sorry…” He tries to crawl over to her and just before he could take her hand he passes out. [/color] [End of flashback]