[center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/b7e5e052f87c13541a4ce6b464020dcf/tumblr_ooob172UiL1r4jjtyo6_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [center][b][h3]Introduction[/h3][/b][/center] Hey everyone! The name's OGSG; feel free to call me OG or OGSG, either way it doesn't matter to me. I'm relatively new to Roleplayer Guild, but certainly am not new to roleplay. I've been searching the interwebs for quite sometime to find a decent, casual (maybe a touch of advanced) roleplaying group that revolves around a maturer interpretation of our favorite rainbow warriors, the Power Rangers. As the GM, I would absolutely love a Co-GM to bounce creative ideas and plots off of, so if you are interested, please let me know. I'd be happy to share some of the burden and load to creating a successful roleplay! All of the information in this interest check can (and probably will) be updated once the official game goes live, but I wanted to at least get a head count to see which members are interested in participating in an RP. So, without further ado, I bring forth my pitch to bringing a kick ass Power Rangers game! [hr] [center][b][h3]Plot[/h3][/b][/center] I've been reading the Power Rangers comics recently and I'm really digging an "old school" type of Power Rangers RP. Nothing that's completely old school per se, but I like the concept of strangers coming together as "teenagers with attitudes." Only, I want the "teenagers" to be "young adults with attitude." Maybe they're in college trying to figure out their lives or perhaps already out in the work force trying to make ends meet. With that plot in mind, I absolutely love the [url=https://alchetron.com/cdn/ressha-sentai-toqger-vs-kyoryuger-the-movie-f0f60645-16b6-4921-8f9f-378d3bb1d14-resize-750.gif]Kyoryuger[/url] suits (I haven't watched Dino Charge and don't plan on it either). The dinosaur theme just oozes nostalgia for me, so I wanted to tie in that theme with the overarching plot of the entire roleplay. Don't worry, it'll all make sense once everything is up and running. So, at minimum, a group of young adults given access to dinosaur-themed powers. [hr] [center][b][h3]The Rangers[/h3][/b][/center] Ideally, I would [u]love[/u] [i]love[/i] [b]love[/b] for this roleplay to consist of a diverse group of characters (in personality, appearance, race, backgrounds, etc.). I mean, that's true to the Power Rangers' series, right? They should be a ragtag group of individuals who are certainly not perfect and probably would butt heads with each other on more than one occasion. However, over time, they will become one big happy family that fights for the right reasons. I don't think that there will be a specific "leader" per se (no matter how much we are inclined to lean towards the Red Ranger), but each one can and will have their moment to shine in specific moments. That being said, colors are not gender specific! There can be a female Red Ranger or a male Pink Ranger. I think that would make things more interesting! [hr] [center][b][h3]Communication and Activity[/h3][/b][/center] My most utilized form of communication would be Discord (OGSG#2851 if you guys want to add me). If everyone in the group has a Discord, I can make us a server so that OOC and plot updates can be posted there. In addition to that, I'll also have an OOC thread where I can duplicate the post for those that don't use Discord. In terms of activity, I'm not asking for you to post every day, but a couple of posts per week would be ideal so that we can continue to move the plot. Communication is important in any relationships, so I'll need it in order to make this roleplay work. [hr] [center][b][h3]Conclusion[/h3][/b][/center] I'll save you guys the trouble of posting any rules and what have you, but I'm looking for a few people that are willing to roleplay with me to make this happen! The RP itself will operate in "episodes" with each Ranger(s) having specific focus episodes that revolve their specific plots. If you are interested in joining this RP, feel free to leave a message below or send me a PM so that I can add you to the tag list! If you have any questions, you can post them below as well or send me a message on Discord! I hope to hear from you all soon! [hr]