[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/aV0Ipe8.png?1[/img][/center] [center][color=#840810]IN EVERY ANGEL, A DEMON HIDES[/color] [color=gray]//[/color] [color=black]AND IN EVERY DEMON, AN ANGEL STRIDES[/color][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/vCua3v4.png?1[/img][/center] [center][url=https://youtu.be/EK65y-A_QIA]T H E M E[/url][/center] [color=gray]Like a low hanging blanket of smoke, the sky hung above the dingy, monochrome city streets. The half gloom of evening coated with the darkened clouds gave an effect of artificial night that made lethargy seem to waft in the air. The stark, bright cone of artificial blue-white from the detective's flashlight shone in rude contrast to the world around it. Clutched in the man's hand, and aimed down towards where the ruddy pavement met with the chipped brick of a wall, the light illuminated a scene of crimson gore and pale flesh. "What the hell are those markings?" A policeman said, his face twisting with equal parts morbid curiosity and horror. On the body--or what was left of it--an intricate, yet brutally animalistic pattern had been carved. The fact that the wounds had not bled meant that they had been completed postmortem. This fact did nothing however to detract from the state of pure agony the dead woman's face had masked itself into upon her passing. The detective with the flashlight knelt, his mouth yet sealed to the question posited by the policeman. As he drew nearer the body, his nose was assaulted by the metallic smell of congealed blood. He had seen this before, not long after he had first joined the force. The intricate amalgamation of drawn, puckered skin aligned with a precise and malicious ability with a blade. And, he knew now, as he had learned then, that the police were to be mere spectators to a horror that had only just reached it's inception.[/color] [hr] [center][color=#840810][u]PLOT CANDIES[/u][/color][/CENTER] [center][color=gold]DARK FANTASY SUPERNATURAL MODERN THRILLER MYSTERY[/color][/center] [color=#840810]WELCOME TO THE VEILED WORLD[/color] [color=gray]//[/color] You are an entity of the modern Veiled World; the shadowy reflection of the mortal realm that humans only perceive in their dreams and in the haze of their subconscious. With every manner of creature, from every culture, and every dark corner of the globe, it is a varied and vast realm. In this world--just as in the mortal one--there is business, entertainment, vice, crime, judgment, joy, and sadness. The innumerable sects that are a part of the Veiled World are represented by an equally varied number of governments, cultural constructs, and interest groups. These groups supply the lattice work for society in the Veiled World, much as state governments do in the mortal world. Throughout history, these groups have warred and plotted, and while the plotting has never ceased, at the present the globe is, for the most part, miraculously at peace. [color=#840810]PIECES OF 8[/color] [color=gray]//[/color] This RP would be the third iteration of my Pieces of 8 universe. The last RP was completed 5 years ago, and was a wonderful experience. I will never forget the players I was fortunate enough to write with, so if any of you Pof8 veterans are reading this THANK YOU! If you're at all curious about the feel of the RP, check out our last episode [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/14095-pieces-of-8-bones-of-the-north/ic]here[/url].