((Did you just Skyrim them?)) She dropped low as Felix told her to, although it didn't seem like an arrows were purposely being aimed at her. He probably wanted her alive and unharmed if possible. Maybe? "Speak of the devil...." Katherine wanted nothing more than to bash Stefan's face in, but she would've much rather just get out of here. Now she could blast him with a spell, but she doubted she had the power to take him down with one. And then she or Felix would probably take an arrow. No, that wouldn't do. They both needed to get closer. Then again, as far as he was, they could probably just run and wait for a better opportunity. She looked around for some cover or somewhere to go, spotting a hallway running perpendicular to this one behind them. Katherine grabbed Felix's hand and ran for it. "He's too far!" she said as she ran, "Let's just get out of here, we can deal with him later if we have to!"