Siiga, Bonnie, Lynn, Metis [hr] Just shortly after speaking with Metis, Lynn turned to see a familiar figure leave the inn. The medical center was just next to it, so it was easy enough to recognize the headstrong tyro girl leave. A thought just occurred to her from earlier. If she was going to get to know anybody from the group, she had to start talking. She sat up on her legs an rested her sleeved arm on her lap, partially covering her legs and the rest laying in the grass beside her. She started waving over to Siiga, the tip of her tail slightly swaying from side to side as it coiled around where she sat. [color=7FFFD4]"Hey!"[/color] she shouted out. [color=7FFFD4]"You are also traveling with Alliance right?"[/color] she asked, just double checking to make sure she didn't mistake her as someone who was just going the same direction. The girl visibly wiped her eyes. Was she crying? Surely not. Lynn must have imagined it. Whatever could have made Siiga, the girl who told the king to his face, in front of the whole court... Well, best not dwell on the details. But she didn't seem like the sort who would get upset. Regardless, Siiga's head turned and she gave a little smile and a wave. You could practically hear the cogs in her head clicking, though what was on her mind was a mystery. Eventually she decided to come on over after all. "Hey. You're... Lynn, right?" She asked in a curious tone. Lynn's countenance faltered a little as she saw the girl wipe her eyes, but brought it back up in time for the girl to turn towards her. Lynn was unaware of who she was, being just seeing the group this morning for a moment before heading out. She had a sweet smile as she replied. [color=7FFFD4]"Yup! Lynn Meditrina, pleasure to meet you, though I'm afraid I don't know your name. Or many of the others we are supposed to be teamed up with actually."[/color] Siiga glanced at her boot for a second. "Siiga Kalayo. Just Siiga will do." She tried to return the smile, but it was still tainted with sadness Lynn's head tilted a little and her ears drooped a bit when she looked into her eyes. Siiga's face, while she tried to smile, still held the remnants of tears from just a short while ago. Her staff came to her and she and lifted her from the ground, now sitting on the staff. [color=7FFFD4]"I-is everything alright?"[/color] she said gently, not sure how to approach the situation. Siiga's smile only got sadder. "Why wouldn't it be, sweetie?" Lynn honestly wasn't sure what to do. something was obviously bothering her, but she didn't know if it was better to get her mind off it or to have her talk it out. [color=7FFFD4]"'s just..."[/color] She bit her lip in thought, [color=7FFFD4]"I don't mean to pry or anything...but you seem... sad..."[/color] after a bit of an awkward silence, [color=7FFFD4]"I'm sorry, i shouldn't have said anything,"[/color] she apologized looking down. There was something sweet about the fish girl's concern for her. "I'm just... Thinking about the past. That's all." Siiga didn't want to worry her too much. She seemed too innocent to have to deal with the harshness of the bandit. [color=7FFFD4]"Talking about ones troubles usually helps...."[/color] she said looking back up, a little more reassured. [color=7FFFD4]"If we are going to be traveling together, we may as well know one another."[/color] She hovered back down and sat in the grass again, not missing the chance to feel the grass on her feet again. Once situated she patted the ground next to her, [color=7FFFD4]"You can talk to me about it if you want. If not though, I understand, however, I can't say I know much about the world out here. This is my first time ever leaving Tearia."[/color] "Really?" Oh, that poor girl. These were savage, wild lands out here. They would tear apart a sweet young thing like her in the blink of an eye. "Lucky you got me here to look out for you, then." At last! A genuine smile! Siiga sat down on the grass, her coat keeping the dew off her backside. Lynn laughed softly. [color=7FFFD4]"Really. In fact, today is the first day i got to feel what grass is like,"[/color] she said looking at the grass as her tail brushed against the dew. [color=7FFFD4]"I never would have thought water would form on it later in the day either, its great!"[/color] it was something so simple to most people, but to her who has never seen or felt it, it was amazing, and the water kept her cool and moisturized at night to boot! [color=7FFFD4]"So where are you from?"[/color] she asked. Ah. Right for the jugular, as it were. Siiga sighed. "You don't wanna hear about me, hon. It's kinda boring, trust me". If she was to take this girls innocence, it should be in a bedroom where they'd both have fun, not telling sad, dark stories... [color=7FFFD4]"I find that hard to believe, but I'll take your word for it,"[/color] she said with a giggle. [color=7FFFD4]"Not really much about my home life I'm afraid. My dad is a guard and my mother runs an infirmary that I would help in back home. We don't get much time away from it though, as you could probably imagine. We even live there, part of the third floor of the infirmary is our home. Its not that big but it is comfortable for the three of us. That's where I learned my healing magic, though some of my ability is borrowed from my grandfather's blood, who was a Sol."[/color] Her tail was slowly moving back and forth as she continued to talk about home, glad to talk about it as her homesickness had been bothering her. A look of surprise came over her face as she realized she was rambling. [color=7FFFD4]"OH! Sorry, I didn't mean to go on and on. I've always wanted to explore what else is out there though, so when I was asked to accompany the Alliance, I accepted."[/color] Siiga couldn't help but smile. This girl was absolutely adorable! It was so relaxing to just and talk to someone about normal stuff for once and not have to worry about impressing them or outwitting them. "No need to apologise. It's cute!" She teased Lynn blushed a little at the compliment, and partially still of embarrassment about herself rambling. [color=7FFFD4]"So, what is it that you like to do?"[/color] "Me?" Oh, here we go. Siiga knew if she opened her mouth about what she actually did as a hobby, Lynn would up and out right there and then. She didn't want to spook her. "I, uh, I don't do much, to be honest..." Lynn was hoping that she would say something that they could find to cheer her up, but that didn't really seem to help much. [color=7FFFD4]"Oh,"[/color] she started as she brushed some hair away from her face, [color=7FFFD4]"One of the things I've enjoyed the most about being out of Tearia is the sky. Its always absolutely breathtaking. Tearia is on the sea floor, so to see the sky you have to travel all the way up to the top, and its not always safe to do so. But now that I'm up here, I can see the clouds and stars as much as I want, it's like an ever shifting painting."[/color] It was just then that a growling sound could be heard, and it was coming from Lynn's stomach. Her eyes widened a bit as her face turned red. Suddenly, a smile bloomed on Siiga's face. She looked far happier than when they started, and even if Lynn was still in the dark about who she was exactly and why she had been so upset, at least she could happy with the fact that she managed to make her forget it for a while. "You hungry? We could always..." She was gonna suggest going to the bar, but then she remember the other woman there. Didn't seem like such an appealing plan now. "... head to the supplies cart? There's bound to be something in there." [color=7FFFD4]"Oh, okay! Let's check it out!"[/color] Lynn said as she turned to metis and hopped back on her staff. [color=7FFFD4]"C'mon, Metis, I'm sure you are probably hungry too."[/color] She said, even though she knew she would probably follow. She then let Siiga lead the way as she had no idea where they took the wagon. She was happy that Siiga's mood had improved, while she didn't know her that well, she was glad to have been able to help her, and hopefully have made a new friend. Metis had been following Lynn silently as she talked with the Fire walker girl puzzled by her as she was sensing something but couldn’t place it. Metis had her hood up so her appearance didn’t draw undue attention on the two of them and she was happy Lynn was now trying to form alliances so when the healer asked her if she was hungry Metis bowed slightly in affirmation that she would follow Lynn smiled as Metis followed along with them. Following Siiga's lead they arrived at the wagon that Allard's ox pulled shortly after. Lynn, floated over to the back end of the wagon and undid the latch that let the back gate down only to gasp in surprise when she noticed someone sleeping inside. She slowly leaned in to focus on it when she floated back out again. It was the boy from Vrondi's square! How and when did he get there? When the others came around Lynn held a finger up to her mouth to the others if they came around to investigate. [color=7FFFD4]"This boy, I met him in the square back in Vrondi,"[/color] she whispered. [color=7FFFD4]"After the last time we met though, he probably wouldn't want to see me..."[/color] she thought as she remembered what happened last she saw him, slowly floating back away from the wagon, ears drooping. He got upset, misunderstanding a situation and ended up pulling a knife on her before she kinda sulked away. A stowaway? How fascinating~! Who could it be? A spy, come to make sure they actually followed orders? A thief, here to rob them in their sleep? Perhaps it was a murderer, ready to claim their next victim! Whoever it was, Siiga was more than ready for them; if they wanted to hurt the alliance, they would have to go through her! She grabbed her neck around to get a glimpse at whoever it was that had unnerved Lynn so much. And when she saw then... "Lynn, are you blind? That's a girl." She hissed in hushed tones Lynn shook her head. [color=7FFFD4]"I met him before. I promise its a boy. He looks young but he is only a year younger than me,"[/color] she whispered. [color=7FFFD4]"He never gave me his name though."[/color] She looked at the boy for a moment. [color=7FFFD4]"Sh.....should we wake him?"[/color] There was no way in hell that was a boy, Siiga thought, looking closer at the strangers snoozing face. Sure, she was a little lacking in the chest department, but her face was just too soft. There wasn't a hint of masculinity in the girl's whole body! "You seriously think that's a boy!?" [color=7FFFD4]"I... well... I'm fairly certain. Medically speaking while he has very feminine traits, his bone structure around his hips and shoulders are slightly off to be female. Though I guess he never really said either way, i just assumed."[/color] Siiga questioning it now made her question it. She could have sworn it was a young boy but then again, the person was nineteen with a small body and higher pitched voice. [color=7FFFD4]"I mean.... i could be wrong...."[/color] she said now uncertain. "Look at the face. Her lips are too thick, and her cheekbones are way too round. That's a girl, I'm certain of it!" [color=7FFFD4]"Maybe,"[/color] she started, [color=7FFFD4]"though he, ...o-or she, didn't say anything when I refered to them as a he..."[/color] she watched as her stomach growled again, turning a bit red again as she gave an apologizing grin. [color=7FFFD4]"I, uh, guess we could....ask? Or something....,"[/color] she said a bit nervously. [color=7FFFD4]"Either way, I guess we have to wake them up."[/color] Metis stood nearby ready to act if the stowaway proved dangerous to Lynn her tentacle actively trying to reach out and taste the stowaway so she could confirm the sex status of the stowaway. Siiga looked on as the girl-boy slept. On one hand, she wanted to stop Metis and just let them sleep. On the other, much bigger hand, she was curious to see where she was actually going with this, so in the end she looked on, waiting for a reaction from the stowaway. Lynn waited, not sure what Metis was doing, but sure she had some sort of idea in her head. She wasn't going to shock him awake was she? Metis sensed attention focused on her and her tentacles reacted to her curiosity with a few undulating in Lynn and the other's direction as one tentacle lightly touched the sleeper gathering sensory information as if it were touching a potential meal and not wanting to frighten it off before she made her decision. Metis turns to Lynn her thoughts gently placing the confirmation that the sleeping figure is indeed a boy. Lynn smiled and turned to Sigga, [color=7FFFD4]"Metis says its a boy, too"[/color] she mentioned quietly. [color=7FFFD4]"So what should we do? I feel like we have to do something now that we found him."[/color] "Well, I call dibs." Siiga shrugged. "Y'all can find your own stowaway" [color=7FFFD4]"Wait, what!?"[/color] Lynn exclaimed, turning red, [color=7FFFD4]"I-I never, I mean, that's not what I meant by asking!"[/color] Then noticing she raised her voice quickly covered her mouth, hoping she didn't wake him. There was a shuffle and a sneeze coming from inside the wagon. Siiga turned her head - to spy two bright blue eyes looking back at her."Fuck..." [color=7FFFD4]"Uh, h-hello again,"[/color] Lynn said to Bonnie with a slight wave and her sleeved hand covering her sheepish smile. Admittedly, she was a bit nervous after how their last encounter ended up, but she did feel better with Metis and Siiga there. As for Siiga, she was starstruck. Seems like recently she'd been meeting a LOT of cute girls, but this was the icing on the cake. They were so small! She just wanted to cuddle her and take her home! "It's okay, sweetie, we're friends!" Siiga offered to the Oro. But the little stranger didnt look at all appeased. It's hands darted to its belt, drawing a rusty-looking old dagger, ready to pounce. "Woah, there, back off, little girl!" Siiga yelped. She hadn't been anticipating such a hostile response! Lynn pulled water from her jar and formed a water barrier between them and the stowaway, though because she was low on magic she could feel a throbbing through her body as she did so, which wasn't a good sign, but she was unfamiliar with the feeling. Her eyes were locked onto Bonnie's with a worried expression, [color=7FFFD4]"Please stop,"[/color] she pleaded, [color=7FFFD4]"We aren't here to hurt you, we were jus-hnnn,"[/color] she faltered as she started to float back down to the ground, her water barrier spasmed a bit before completely falling to the ground as she lost control of her staff as well. There was a pain all over as she curled up into a ball. She had overused her magic today, which resulted in her falling asleep to regain her energy. However, waking up shortly after meant that she did't have much magic energy to use, the sun's light was dying out, and she hadn't eaten anything either, and now her body was tapped out, a peculiar pain that she had not experienced before. At Lynn's fall Metis was covering her with both her cloak and her own body her tentacles crackling with energy except the two that touched her mistress which sought the reason for her illness. Then discovering that it was that she'd exhausted herself so Metis lifted her up as gently as if she were a caring mother with her sleeping child. She bowed slightly to Siiga then carried her Mistress to where they had parked the carriage.