[center][h1][color=723437]Scar[/color][/h1][/center] [center][hider=My Hider] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/429420462242791434/465882949221351434/68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368652d616b302e70696e696d672e636f6d2f373336782f62612f31312f6462.jpg?width=376&height=474[/img] [/hider][/center] The man handed the keys over without any fuss once he heard Scar clear things up for him. Good, the last thing they needed was to start a fight right now. The man clearly knew how to use his weapon, so being unarmed the fight would've been very difficult. He looked over as Diana made her way over to the door. A few things went through his mind at this very moment, such as what had happened before when she tried to blow the door off its hinges. Hawke's sudden shout made him groan externally. The doors were protected by enchantments. Of course. Scar held onto the desk as the room suddenly trembled. The glyphs on the door making him sigh and shake his head. Well, if they hadn't made a shitload of noise before with the previous spells, then they certainly had the attention of the guards by now surely. .....Or whatever the [i]fuck[/i] that thing was. Thanks to Kris' shouting, the bug creature trying to break in was now front and centre of Scar's mind. He didn't need to be told twice to go get his weapons, and the first chance he got he went in. There was a lot for him to grab. Needles, wire, daggers, throwing knives, his favourite shortsword, his hand crossbow and most importantly; [i]his fucking shoes[/i]. The Kitsune was arming himself literally to the teeth. He even grabbed some of the guard's weaponry, some of their bolts and a pair of arm guards. Whatever little weapon he could throw he grabbed. God knows how he carried all this and was still stealthy, but he had his methods. [color=723437]"I don't think he's got much of a choice here Princess."[/color] Adjusting his arm guards, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at Kris' words. There was safety in numbers here, god knows how many of those things were out there. The man would probably die if he didn't stick with them. Not that Scar cared, he wasn't a member of the group plus he was a criminal. [color=723437]"I would rather fight these things with a well armed, trained and drilled army personally."[/color] With a rare smile, or perhaps it was a smirk, he took aim at the creature at the window. [color=723437]"Suppose anyone here have a plan? Mine just involves killing these things and not dying, but it's open to suggestions."[/color]