Shiro listened to Keith talking. He wasn't sure what was being said but the words weren't what Shiro was listening to anymore. The tone of Keith's voice was low and smooth. The back of his throat hummed and the sounds came out with a slight husk that Shiro found himself eager to listen to. His way of talking was so relaxing. He watched Keith drooping as he spoke and recognised that he was tired. The moon had been out a long time now, it was beginning to set. Shiro wondered if the voice he was using was just [i]because[/i] he was tired. He shouldn't keep him out here much longer if that was the case. Shiro's eyes fell back on the rocks when Keith began rearranging the rocks again and he clicked at the back of his throat seeing that Keith was going to be 21 very soon. He looked up, straight into Keith's eyes and he was frozen there, caught in the shy sincerity that was within them. He picked up a tone that was new in Keith's voice and recognised the pull from his eyes - he was asking Shiro a question of sorts, or making a suggestion. Shiro just wished he knew what that question was. He searched Keith's purple eyes and watched the water sparkling in them. The moon reflected within them too and Shiro saw the life within them, beneath the hurt and the heavy weights. The life he wanted to know about. The life he needed to know about. His stomach squeezed and he could feel his heart racing the more he stared. He recognised the feeling and it started to worry him just a little - the last time he had felt them was when he first met Adam. He couldn't remember being so mesmerized around him though. He finally broke away from the locked gaze and looked back down at the rocks. He would need to think of ways he could communicate with Keith, ways he could ask questions and find out the answers. He wanted to know more about the language so he could imitate it and use it to ask questions and find out more answers. He felt compelled to learn more about this beautifully dark being that he was sure he could lose himself in. He looked back to Keith and pointed to him, then pointed to the wooden structure on the beach, then to the moon again. Keith's eyes were drooping more as time passed and Shiro didn't want him falling asleep so close to the water. High tide was approaching and he had sensed Keith's aversion to the water since he had sat down at the dock. He spoke gently, his voice sounding like waves and whistles in the wind, whilst he pushed the words into Keith's mind with his learned telepathy. Perhaps Keith could learn to use it too - he looked similar to mer-folk in so many ways physically that perhaps his kind had the capacity to do so. [i]'It's almost dawn, you should rest, you can't sleep here.'[/i]