As the days passed in Ered Luin; Yavanna seemed to be struggling. Everything seemed to remind her of Fili and Thorin; which pained her. The loss felt more fresh again, in the mountains that were their home for a long time before they took back the Lonely Mountain. A few times, young Yavanna had found herself in Fili's old room, grieving alone away from the eyes of Dis, Kili and Saeril. Almost needing that time alone to fully grieve. Even though she found Kili's mother, a warm hearted woman. Yavanna at times felt at odds next to Dis. Not sure wether it was just the timing of things; but she wasn't sure what to say to her. As nothing could really make the situation better right now. So Yavanna struggled to find the words, any words to say to her. But at the same time, Yavanna did appreciate being welcomed in her home, as a friend. Kili and Yavanna took note of how Saeril's condition was getting worse and worse; the head-aches seemed to be more intense than the first few that either of them witnessed. And it worried them both. Worrying, something else might be wrong. Something that Saeril was not admitting too just yet. As they were saying goodbye. Yavanna had just finished fastening the horse-seat, adjusting it slightly. Everyone was thankful for the transport and things offered to them, by the Dwarves on their journey to her home. Yavanna had to admit, she did miss her people. Her father and beloved sister the most. Even though she had two older brothers; their relationship was ever so shaky, it made missing them all that harder given the lies they had told her all these years. Yavanna could see how reluctant Dis was to let Kili go with them; given all that happened. So she couldn't blame her for not wanting to let him go. But at the same time, Kili was stubborn and wanted to be the man he was, by protecting Saeril and Yavanna. And that meant going with them. Kili embraced his mother in a loving hug; giving her a soft squeeze. "I will be back, always...I promise." he said looking at his mother. He knew it was going to be a hard promise to keep, given what was going on. But Kili had no intentions of dying, or giving up on life...even if that thought may have crossed his mind a few times; after the death of Fili. He knew his mother needed him, and to stay alive. For her, and for all those he loved. He would stay alive. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]In the lovely foothills of the Shire; Bilbo had been writing a book about his adventures. Meanwhile, the ring to rule them all was corrupting Bilbo at a fast rate. The once young Hobbit had aged more quickly than expected. Prone to a few outbursts, if anyone dared mention the ring in a bad manner. Gandalf grew increasingly concerned about Bilbo's health. As Bilbo decided to finish off his book in Rivendell. Feeling, like he needed to get away from his home, and visit some good old friends. And so before his departure, he had entrusted the ring to his nephew Frodo. Knowing it would be in safe hands. A task would soon await Aragorn; to protect the young Hobbit and his friends; Should something happen to Gandalf after Frodo receiving a mission to get the ring away from the Shire.[/i]