Kili could tell a part of Yavanna was almost desperate to get home; maybe she missed her family. He wondered how soon Legolas would come back to see Yavanna. He knew she would not admit it out loud, but Yavanna needed him. Legolas always seemed to be the one person that made Yavanna the happiest. She hadn't been the same, since they parted ways after everything that had happened, so he hoped. He would show up sooner rather than later, and surprise Yavanna. And hopefully, make her feel better down the road. His horse was racing after Yavanna's...who seemed to be speeding ahead; clearly enjoying being on a horse again. As Yavanna rode, she couldn't help but think about her childhood. How her elder sister taught her how to ride a horse. Along with the Elven Soldiers of Rivendell and Lothlorien teaching her, how to fight when on horse-back. Even from a young age, Yavanna had enjoyed different challenges and how to over-come them. It also for a few moments, reminded her off sharing a pony with Fili, after they met Gandalf's shape-shifter friend. Which did score her an injury to the arm. But she had brushed that off, as he wasn't sure if they were intruding or not. On the journey, Yavanna couldn't help but think of Legolas again. Hoping that he was well in the presence of the Dunedian warriors. With all of them, on horses. The journey seemed to go much quicker, then on foot. It wasn't long before they were passing familiar scenery on their way to see his mother, with their return journey to Rivendell.