[center][b]Here is the official character sheet![/b] [hider=CS] [b]Timberwolf or Black Wolf?:[/b] [b]Your Name:[/b] (Examples: Anla, Keldo, Norath, Rorek, Eisa, Alu, Talia) [b]Gender:[/b] (Male or Female) [b]Age:[/b] (1-5 years old) (Canine years are equal to 7 human years.) [b]Appearance:[/b] (Reslistic images only please. Sketches or artwork may also be accepted, but they must look VERY REALISTIC.) [b]Your Father’s Name:[/b] (Optional) [b]Your Mother’s Name:[/b] (Optional) [b]Personality:[/b] (General attitude, dispositions, ideals, etc.) [b]Biography:[/b] (Optional) (2-4 Paragraphs) [b]Close Friends:[/b] (Optional) (Can be other players or your own generated “AI”.) [b]Rivals/Enemies:[/b] (Optional) (Can be other players or your own generated “AI”.) [b]Other:[/b] (Optional) (Any other information you wish to include.) [/hider] [/center]