[i]In another part of Middle-Earth. The four young Hobbits; Bilbo Baggins, his close-friend and Gardener Samwise Gamgee and the two Knuckle Heads Pippin and Merry were waiting for Gandalf at the Prancing Pony. But Gandalf was a no show. Which had confused and worried Frodo, as Gandalf was never one to break his word.[/i] As the four Hobbits chatted in the Inn. Frodo spotted a cloaked man sitting in the corner watching them with intense eyes. Aragorn had stayed in the shadows by the window, watching in case something strange happened. Meanwhile, Pippin didn't seem to realize how important it was that Frodo left the name Baggins behind. "Baggins? Sure...I know a Baggins...Frodo Baggins. Cousin of mine, twice removed on his mother's side." he bragged on, as he gestured over to Frodo. The words coming from Pippin, caused Frodo to panic. "Pippin!" he scolded, running over towards him. Trying to grab onto his arm, but instead slipped...falling towards the ground of the inn. "Steady on." Pippin glanced down at Frodo...only to see the ring slip out of Frodo's grip. As it fell through the air. Frodo reached towards the ring; feeling the temptation pulling him in close. As the ring slipped onto his finger. Frodo became invisible. Making the entire room gasp. Aragorn was quick on his feet, watching the scene. By the time, Frodo became visible...the young Hobbit felt pair of hands grab him, pulling him into a near by corner. "You draw, far too much attention to yourself, Mr Underhill!" Using Frodo's fake name, that he tried to disguise himself under. Aragorn couldn't help but shake his head at the young Hobbit. As he escorted him upstairs to one of the empty rooms, to have a talk with him in private. [hr] Yavanna could only hope, that nothing would happen along the way. The world was filled with more danger, every passing day. But so far, it was a beautiful, calm day. With nothing to fear, as it didn't seem like anything was hunting them at this very minute. As Kili and Yavanna, were ahead of Saeril, the two almost rode side by side, as Kili managed to catch up to Yavanna. Yavanna was a very fast rider; not as fast as her sister Arwen. But she was certainly faster than some elves and friends that she had. The group had stopped, briefly around 8 in the morning, to give the horses some rest and to have something to eat; since they were all getting bit hungry. And with over a half journey behind them, they found a peaceful spot over-looking the sea on the hill side. As the horses drunk from a little river running along side the hills. Yavanna over looked the sea and sighed to herself. "Almost home." she muttered to herself.