[@Delta44][@Animal] [b][color=ed1c24]ACCEPTED.[/color][/b] If I have any concerns or issues that I might have missed initially, I'll just let you guys know. [@Durnehviir][@Katthaj][@1Charak2] Will get back to you guys. [quote=@ERode] You want people with accepted CSes to post em in the Character tab now? Or are you waiting for something first?[/quote]The latter, but I guess it doesn't matter anymore since people have posted. [@Scribe of Thoth][@vFear][@Stern Algorithm][@Cio][@Duoya][@ERode] I'm going for a word without the canon characters. Let's just say in this universe, canon characters don't exist. For the few sheets that mentioned canon characters, or at least All Might, it would be cool if you just edited that part out. As for the current Top 10. I've got nothing yet. o3o