[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/LHBJFJX.png[/img][/center] It was over. The group of heroes that had come together to stop the Hounds of Humanity had managed to get the job done. Lyger and Radiance had been able to infiltrate the Hounds’ main base of operations and shut down the killer satellite from the ground, which gave Icon and the other space farers enough time to destroy The Finger of God once and for all. They had routed the Hounds of Humanity troops, destroying much of their weaponry along the way. Their fleet of destructive vehicles, the advanced choppers as well as the walking tank-like mech suits lay in shambles. With their war machine in ruins and their leadership scattered or in custody, the Hounds of Humanity scrambled to avoid capture by the authorities who had since come on the scene. Though it was unlikely that every member of the Hounds would be captured on this night, the organization had been crippled. Lyger emerged from the Hounds base just behind Radiance. As he stepped out of the entrance, he saw that both the FBI and the National Guard had arrived on the scene, along with Icon and some of the others that had gone into space to deal with the satellite. He surveyed the scene, and could see several men being taken into custody by the National Guard, including one man who was being escorted by Iron Knight himself, though Lyger didn’t recognize the man, he assumed that this was the man, or at the very least one of the men responsible for all of the death and destruction that the Hounds had caused over these last weeks. As they stepped out into the street, Radiance looked back at Lyger. “Good work.” Lyger told her. “You weren’t so bad yourself.” She retorted before making her way over to where Icon and some of the other heroes were gathered. “Harry.” Lyger said into his comlink. “It’s over, we’re done here.” He told his mentor as he slipped away into the darkness. [center]***[/center] Sam Myers sat with her eyes glued to the television. The new coverage of the assault in Lost Haven confused to say the least, offering conflicting reports almost throughout the duration of the event. There had been rumors of casualties on both sides, and she could have sworn that she had seen at least one of the female heroes gunned down by a group of Hounds, though the chaos of the battle made it impossible to follow exactly what was going on. Then the battle moved from Sherman Square to Carver, and the news coverage quickly became journalists speculating as to what was going on inside of the Hounds of Humanity’s headquarters. She watched as several loud explosions on the inside of the base could be heard, which led to even more speculation from those covering the event. The simple fact was, nobody really knew what was going on…and it was driving her mad. She felt sick to her stomach not knowing what was going on in Lost Haven. Her heart pounded in her chest as she saw numerous heroes emerging from the Hounds compound, but the one hero that she was desperate to see was nowhere to be found. As the reporters began to cover the apprehension of the Hounds of Humanity leadership, the cameras focused most on heroes such as Iron Knight and Icon, but not one word was said about the one hero who she was desperate to hear about. She watched the coverage for about another hour, which had begun to repeat news that it had already reported as there was very little new information to report. “Come on, Kyle.” She said as she had tried calling his cell phone for the tenth time, only for it to go directly to voicemail. As she sat there in front of the television with no word about, or for that matter, from Kyle, there was an icy pit deep in her stomach as her imagination began to take hold and she began to fear the worst. She reached again for her phone and just as she was about to press the button to call him, her heart jumped as she heard a key in the front door. She jumped to her feet and raced toward the front door. Her heart continued to pound as she saw the door begin to open, and then relief as Kyle walked through it. “Hey babe.” He said quietly, barely above a whisper as his gaze met hers. She said nothing as she stepped toward him, wrapped her arms around him and met him with a deep kiss.