Looking at the palace, Saeril smiled slightly, before taking notice of the individuals that were in front of them. They became even more familiar as the she-elf tried to figure who they were. They were the two males that saw in her visions, when she managed to read the girl’s mind. As much as she could remember, the elder figured that these were the two brothers who’ve told Yavanna the lies regarding their mother. The exchange was quite painful to witness and, by the sight of the girl’s building-sadness, Saeril brought her horse to stand alongside the princess. As much as she didn’t want to, she had to. Taking hold of the male’s wrist, the elder she-elf glared at him; not in a threatening manner, but a neutral one that warned him not to make the situation more worse than needed. “Please, allow us to pass. We don’t have time”, she said, almost sternly.