[quote=@DocTachyon] Coming in reeeeaaaalll last minute with this one, but if it's still possible [@Master Bruce], I was hoping I could get this picture of Vig onto the banner? If I can't it's no biggie. [hider] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/8/8d/Vigilante_%28JLU_screencap%29.jpg/225px-Vigilante_%28JLU_screencap%29.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/quote] Unfortunately by the time you had posted this, I'd finished it and was trying to figure out the font. And I designed it with the number of pictures submitted in mind, so I'm afraid that currently, there's no room. Sorry. :( But I could add some additional panels as we get the season rolling and have a better idea of who'll be introduced, not to mention include The Fantastic Four in some capacity since it feels wrong not to have them on there given how major of a role they had in the first season, so once I do that, Vig will be going on the banner, guaranteed. [hider=But as far as our launch banner goes...] [IMG]https://i.imgur.com/epbz8Sc.png[/IMG] [/hider]