[center][b][h1][color=red]Ethan Aster[/color][/h1][/b][/center] [h2][center]Location: Saturday; Hephaestus Manor[/center][/h2][hr][center][h3] Interaction: Victoria; Marinalia & Maria [@PrinceAlexus]; Xia [@King Tai] Marcus [@Zaxter996]; Reya & Ryan [@Majoras End][/h3][/center][hr][center][h3] Mentions: Paige [@Pilatus]; Milo [@RoccanIronclad] & Siobhan [@Almalthia][/h3][/center][hr]Ethan chuckled softly at Marcus going red after Ryan’s approval. Then it was on to Maria who was a delight till she thought he was going to run if Victoria was pregnant.[color=red][i] She’s worried about me running. How sweet. [b]I[/b] won’t be running.[/i][/color] Ethan nodded and shook his head at the running reference making it clear that he was staying. He watched Maria walk over to Siobhan and company. Then hearing Marinalia mention the Caribbean he looked over at Xia.[color=red] “Ah a trip back home is always good. Heard that Rebellion had picked Joel up and that they’d be in Jamaica. You two going to go cheer him on after you visit family then? Marinalia you little minx that’ll drive Siobhan up the wall!! She’ll think you’re there to make eyes at Joel when you’re not really.”[/color] He laughed and it rang clear and enchanting, much like a lower male version of previous laughter from a female that had rung out across the room earlier. He chatted a bit with the girls but after a few minutes he leaned over to whisper in Victoria’s ear.[color=red] “While I do find your sister and her girlfriend fascinating and great company I really do want to meet the artist. I have a painting of hers I believe that was passed down from my parents. I’d like to ask her about it. I know she’s not your favorite person so I’ll leave you with your friends and come back in a few. Do know it pains me to part from your presence for even a moment but I shall return.”[/color] His voice was deeply intimate and suggestive the whisper taking on a velvety sensual quality. He kissed Victoria on the cheek and waving to the group headed over to where he saw Maria and Siobhan talking as Milo with Paige on his arm walked away further into the dimly lit garden. Walking over to the pair he noticed how striking the artist was. The song “Lady in Red” came to mind.[color=red][i] Siobhan has some [b]really[/b] nice legs. She has that porcelain skin tone and proud of it apparently. No stockings on either. Joel is one lucky man. Almost wish I’d met her first. While I am okay with Victoria asking not to have me bandy about the papers, that I understood, but referring to me as a friend over the phone and pretty much assuming that I’m just a booty call, stress relief as she called it; that I’m not okay with.[/i][/color] Ethan smiled as he got to the two ladies just as Siobhan started to say something.[hr][hr][center][b][h1][color=fff200]Siobhan[/color][/h1][/b][/center] [h2][center]Location: Saturday Hephaestus Manor[/center][/h2][hr][center][h3] Interaction: Maria [@PrinceAlexus] & Ethan [@Almalthia][/h3][/center][hr][center][h3] Mentions: Joel; Paige; Milo; Marinalia & Victoria[/h3][/center][hr]Siobhan watched Maria stop at Lexi and give her something.[color=fff200][i] A bid already? Great.[/i][/color] Then Maria looked determined and headed their way. Siobhan raised an eyebrow as she came over. Then she had to unmitigated gall to accuse Siobhan of spreading rumors and making drama Siobhan’s focus for the night. Siobhan gave as good as she got with the glare that did nothing to frighten her. Finding you best friend had slit her wrists and dead in the bath desensitizes you to a lot. That and the resulting trial after it was not anything to sneeze at. She’d had better people than Maria glare at her. Siobhan’s blue eyes held all the warmth of a ghostly nebula; -272 degrees Celsius only a mere degree off absolute zero, as she looked down at Maria. She heard Milo correct the woman’s assumptions.[color=fff200][i] She’s just like Marlin. No wonder apples don’t fall far in this family do they? Thankfully Joel doesn’t have to deal with them.[/i][/color] Siobhan doesn’t break eye contact with Maria as she notices Paige and Milo walk off. Lifting her hand she waves at them as they leave. She had noticed that Paige’s eyes had dilated as rage seeped off Milo.[color=fff200][i] Interesting she likes the anger...it attracts her. Makes sense it’s a show of passion.[/i][/color] Siobhan’s eyes don’t warm for even a fraction of an instant. She smiles maliciously at Maria and puts her phone she was texting Joel with on the table in between the two of them. Siobhan has noticed that they have an audience, the lead singer of The Sirens, and she no longer cares. He afterall is the only one around and this is partly his fault as Milo stated.[color=fff200] “You. Have. Enough. On. Your. Plate?”[/color] The malicious smile widened a fraction and the temperature in the room seemed to even out with the lack of warmth now pouring off Siobhan in waves.[color=fff200] “My dear Ms. Olympus,”[/color] Purposely dropping the Doctor and reminding her that she had yet to be married to Marlin’s father.[color=fff200] “you do not want to address me in such a way. You may ask your daughter and her half sister that I do not go half measures on letting people know that I refuse to be pushed around. People more important than you have tried, trust me. So now if you would like someone to blame for the rumors for tonight you need look no farther than your daughter and her half sister. If your daughter had not lied about dating [b][i]my[/i][/b] boyfriend then people would not be talking about her. Likewise if your daughter’s [i]legitimate half sister[/i] had kept her legs closed then she would never have had the chance to get pregnant. Or do you assume she is a pure as the driven snow and we have an immaculate conception on our hands? Perhaps she has cuckolded this gentleman and this is what they refer to as a ‘keep a nigga baby’?”[/color] Siobhan indicated Ethan making them both aware that she knew he was there making it very clear that she didn’t care.[color=fff200] “Now that we understand each other you may wish to mitigate the rumors as I have tried to by letting people know the truth. Or at least a version of it that makes your child and her half sister look good and no one else look bad. Please remember that there are members of the press here and my suggestion it to make it a point to speak to them about it. Afterall putting your own spin on it will dazzle them. That and the fact that they will eat up the attention from a prominent family and will print anything you tell them to. I will warn you now that if I see anything that smears my name or the name of those I care for I will take legal action against you, that is not a threat it is a promise.”[/color] Siobhan dropped the frightening smile and gave Maria a blank emotionless face till she walked off.[hr][center][b][h1][color=red]Ethan Aster[/color][/h1][/b][/center] Ethan stood there listening to Siobhan take Maria apart and scatter her to the winds. He’d only seen that happen with that skill and precision from one other person. His father. The temperature had dropped that day in the boardroom as his father took apart the opposing board member. It was frightening to watch and he had just seen a female do the same thing but somehow it wasn’t frightening but intriguing.[color=red][i] Dad would like this one. He liked redheads. She could go toe to toe with him and he’d love her for it. And Victoria thought she was an Ice Queen. This one makes Victoria look like the surface of the sun. Interesting.[/i][/color] Ethan waited till Maria had walked away and he smiled and went to shake Siobhan’s hand.[color=red]Hello. I’m Ethan Aster. That was quite impressive.”[/color][hr][center][b][h1][color=fff200]Siobhan[/color][/h1][/b][/center] Siobhan looked at his hand and inwardly sighed. Putting her hand in his assuming he’d shake her hand. He didn’t.[hr][center][b][h1][color=red]Ethan Aster[/color][/h1][/b][/center] Ethan grinned and he kissed it like a character straight out of an Austen novel would.[hr][center][b][h1][color=fff200]Siobhan[/color][/h1][/b][/center] Siobhan was not impressed and she gave him a blank look and took her hand away.[color=fff200] “Forgive me I find myself unable to suffer fools at this current moment. What did you need Mr. Aster?”[/color][hr][center][b][h1][color=red]Ethan Aster[/color][/h1][/b][/center] Ethan let her go easily.[color=red][i] Soft smooth skin too. Joel is really lucky.[/i][/color] Ethan looked her over and noticed that she was very attractive and there was something very familiar about her. He shrugged it off and continued on with his original question.[color=red] “I find myself in possession of one of your earlier pieces and have some questions on it. You of course are familiar with [url=https://artchive.ru/res/media/img/orig/work/afc/563146.jpg]Idyllic Setting[/url]. You painted it about four years ago. What inspired you?”[/color][hr][center][b][h1][color=fff200]Siobhan[/color][/h1][/b][/center] Siobhan didn’t have to think about that very hard she knew that painting very well.[color=fff200] “Yes I recall that painting. I painted it from an accounting of the scene and was told by the woman that it actually came out perfect. I was told that it was sold someone for an exorbitant amount. Only a couple of other paintings have gone for more and only in bidding wars. You didn’t buy it did you?”[/color] She was truly curious now.[hr][center][b][h1][color=red]Ethan Aster[/color][/h1][/b][/center] Ethan noticed he caught her interest and she thawed considerably.[color=red][i] She is currently getting to room temperature now. I can see why Joel likes her. Is almost too hard to not reach out and touch her to make sure she’s real.[/i][/color] Ethan smiled and shook his head.[color=red] “Technically yes. But it was for my father. He had mentioned it when he started to get sick about two years ago. I threw a sum of money at it that no one in their right mind would refuse. He loved that painting and my mother hated it. Since I bought it for him my mother never got rid of it. It was passed on to me after his death. Who described it for you?”[/color][hr][center][b][h1][color=fff200]Siobhan[/color][/h1][/b][/center] Siobhan looked interested.[color=fff200] “Karen Willowby. My birth mother. Why?”[/color][hr][center][b][h1][color=red]Ethan Aster[/color][/h1][/b][/center] Ethan pondered that for a moment then shrugged.[color=red] “I have no idea. I’ll have to go on through their things again and see if I can’t find an explanation. I’d be interested in a portrait if you don’t mind. You have a very discerning eye and I like it.”[/color][hr][center][b][h1][color=fff200]Siobhan[/color][/h1][/b][/center] Siobhan smiled and blushed at the compliment.[color=fff200] “Thank you.”[/color][hr][center][b][h1][color=red]Ethan Aster[/color][/h1][/b][/center] Ethan chuckled at her honestly.[color=red][i] Oh she is too good for Joel. That hair would look amazing on black silk...and not just cause I’m thinking about my bed. Days. I’d have to order in and no work would get done. It’d be worth it. An innocent. That is a turn on.[/i][/color] He bowed and excused himself. Calming himself down before he was back at Victoria’s side.