[hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=ed145b]Alicia Gonzalez[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/246287652/original.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=ed145b]Location:[/color][/b] Ville au Camp - Main House - Room 102: Library/Study -> Room 105: Hallway [b][color=ed145b]Skills:[/color][/b] Empathy[/center][hr] [color=ed145b]"¿Su voz? ¿Quieres que sea la puta voz de Eve? ¿Qué diablos, maldita sea, cuando jodidamente he dicho alguna vez que soy la voz del maldito Dice? Mierda, hijo bastardo de una puta, mierda de mierda. Cock haciendo malabarismos con copas de bestialidad. Bien, está bien. Sé que Eva es Eva. Canaliza mi maldita Eve interna. Sí, cómo lo haces, la lluvia en España cae principalmente en el avión. Sally vende conchas marinas a la orilla del mar. ¿Cuántas maderas arrojaría una marmota si un tirador podría tirar madera? Por favor, gracias, eres más bienvenido, congestionado, pensando en cosas, cuello estrangulado, apretado, polla en el culo. Bien, se Eva. La barbilla hacia arriba, los hombros hacia atrás, los ojos al frente, la mano en el bolsillo, la pipa, sí, la pipa. Muy bien, sí. Voz de Eva,"[/color] Alicia ranted like a lunatic her hands waving in the air for a moment as she paced back and forth. Every so often pointing a hard finger at a Gilbert in the process. Shoving a hand in her pocket and grabbing Eve's pipe off the desk she waved it around before turning her attention over to the Paradoxes. [color=ed145b]"Hey, look at the balls on Barbie? Okay chica, trust me, that shit gonna get you hurt. Let them do their thing. They been fucking at it longer than you can imagine. You're what? Fucking 15 months old? I'm only a god damn 1st grader with these folks. We got a long way to go. Alright you dead bitches, you go, do some reflecting and shit. No leaving the fucking grounds. Go, go, get the fuck out and let them adults do their shit. We kids gonna go have recess. Monkey bars fucking rock and I'm gonna tag the shit out of one of you later. Be ready cause I'm a fucking master at hide and seek. After that we'll have a meal,"[/color] Alicia ranted and then sighed. Rubbing her temples and glancing back over towards Gilbert. [color=ed145b]"Sí, realmente clavé esa mierda de mierda ¿no? Solo rezumando jodidamente, Eve,"[/color] she said, as her voice oozed with sarcasm. The woman who now stood as the elder Paradox on the grounds gave an apologetic look and grabbed James by the arm. [color=ed145b]"Come on, I got tequila in my room, anyways I got some news to tell you,"[/color] she said as she moved her ass as quickly as possible. Thing was, she may have fucked up the delivery, something was evident. She took control and she still hadn't put the pipe down. In fact, it was now clenched between her teeth as she took rather long strides right the fuck out of the room.