[quote=@ShwiggityShwah] I read a bunch of characters for this RP. Alot of folks made such friendly characters >u<, despite ridiculous power levels. Goes to show you just because you can blow up the world doesn't mean you have to. [/quote] Who's OP? Certainly not sweet little Vară or innocent Nagare. As far as the setting of MGE goes, there races are higher on the totem pole of power and status. However, they're still fledglings and have a long ways to go. Vară can't even wield her axe properly, while Nagare can't even fly without transforming - which drains stamina quickly. Not to mention both girls have poor constitution, they're delicate little flowers. One heavy strike from Magnus or Titanica and they'd probably be down for the count. (Nagare might be able to take 2-3 hits while transformed.)