[quote=@Byrd Man] When everyone is starting the magic train the season you decide to move on to espionage. [img]https://i.imgur.com/H4sq6h8.gif[/img] [/quote] All aboard the magic train. [hr][center][b]Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application[/b] [img]http://cdn.collider.com/wp-content/uploads/doctor-strange-slice.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4698750]Season One Sheet[/url][/center][hr] [b]Character You're Applying For:[/b] Dr. Stephen Strange [u][b]Powers And Abilities:[/b][/u] Doctor Strange has been trained in the Mystic Arts, allowing him to channel and manipulate extra-dimensional energies to affect change in the physical realm. His connection to this energy allows him powers limited only by his imagination and his ability to harness them. Some common manifestations of his magic include: teleportation, illusion, levitation, energy blasts, telekinesis and matter manipulation. In addition to this, his studies in the mystic arts enable him to leave his physical form as an astral projection. In this form he is unbound by physical laws and is undetectable unless he chooses to be. On top of this, Strange possesses a number of magical artifacts that provide him with further abilities. These include but are not limited to: the Amulet of Agamotto, the Axe of Angarruumus, and the Cloak of Levitation. [u][b]Season One Recap:[/b][/u] Thanks to my meagre Season opening with Doctor Strange, I have had to fill in some of the blanks here. At the start of the Season, Doctor Strange arrived at the Sanctum Sanctorum following a battle with Baron Mordo at Kamar Taj that lead to the death of his teacher, The Ancient One. The loss of his teacher deeply affected Strange. He discovered that as well as various mystical artifacts, he had also been bequeathed a mentor's stone, a sentient library of mystical information which would come to be known as Wong. With Wong as his teacher, Strange started to get to grips with the new weapons entrusted to him as well as the depth of his responsibilities. He helped people as a mystical consultant, including a chef known as Miles Garland, who had attempted to renege on a deal with a demon that had afforded him a successful television career and following. Shortly after this case, the Vishanti appeared to him. They tasked him with venturing to the N'Garai realm where a civil war threatened to affect the multiverse as a whole. At the end of the Season, this is where I planned to leave Strange, returning somewhat stronger and more confident in his abilities. This would also factor in to his progression to Sorcerer Supreme. [u][b]Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?:[/b][/u] Following up his last appearance in Season One, Doctor Strange was tasked by the Vishanti to intervene in a civil war in another dimension. He has just returned, having spent what felt like days in the conflict. In truth four months had passed when he returned. Being thrust back into a world that has massively changed, having been host to a number of alien attacks and city-level events, is something that I will try to explore here and try not to skirt over. I will carve out his presence in the world as an authority on the Mystic and a defender of the Earth. Predominantly, I will aim to take Strange out of the Sanctum. In the last Season I failed to properly utilise the brilliant mystical world on offer to Strange in any meaningful way, instead spending three posts having him languish in his house. I know that's not what I read Doctor Strange for. I have a number of arcs I would like to follow up on, including the fate of Dormammu following his defeat at the hands of the Ancient One. Other threads I had meant to examine, such as the introduction of Deadman, the true nature of the Amulet of Agamotto, the fate of Mordo and the threat posed by other entities such as Nightmare and Shuma-Gorath are all ideas I still want to explore if given the time to do so. I regret not being able to give any of these ideas time in the previous season. [u][b]Supporting Characters:[/b][/u] [b]The Ancient One:[/b] Doctor Strange's former master and the last Sorcerer Supreme of Earth, the Ancient One lived for nearly half a millennium, keeping malevolent magical forces at bay for much of his life.He chose to make Stephen Strange his apprentice, shaping him into a man worthy of the honour in the process. He died at the hand of his former student, Mordo, all of his accumulated magical artifacts passing to Strange. [b]Wong:[/b] Before his death, the Ancient One foresaw its coming. Knowing that his apprentice had much left to learn before he would be ready to take on the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme, he entrusted to Strange the Mentor Stone. Containing the combined knowledge of Sorcerers Supreme of the past, for Strange it manifests in the image of Magister Wong, a magical construct patterned after one of the earliest Sorcerers of their order. In Wong, Strange finds a teacher and a companion. [b]Baron Mordo:[/b] A disgruntled former apprentice of the Ancient One, his desire for power and willingness to engage in the most sordid of magical practices led to his banishment from Kamar-Taj. He was responsible for the death of the Ancient One. His current status is unknown. [b]Shuma-Gorath:[/b] An Elder God who desires conquest of all the multiverse. In terms of raw power, he far outclasses Earth's other mystical threats. [b]Dormammu:[/b] The ruler of the dreaded Dark Dimension, Dormammu is a powerful being intent on expanding his influence to all realms. He is the kind of malevolent entity The Sorcerer Supreme is charged with combating. Strange has only caught glimpses of his realm thus far, an inhospitable wasteland populated by beings known as the Mindless Ones. Dormammu's gaze turns to Earth once more. [b]Nightmare:[/b] The Master of the Dream dimension. Not yet encountered by Strange. [b]Kierrok:[/b] Kierrok is an high ranking Demon and master of the N'Garai realm. Doctor Strange ventured to his realm at the request of the Vishanti to intervene in a civil war between his forces and the rebelling Ru'Tai. Strange defeated Kierrok, ending the war and securing the realm. [b]Knight Nurse:[/b] A demon trained in medicine. Available for summoning. [b]Mephisto:[/b] A multidimensional being of immense power, Mephisto oversees a hellish realm of his own. He lives to torment others and enjoys entering into diabolical pacts with mortals. [b]The Vishanti:[/b] The Vishanti are a trio of God-like beings that serve as the supernatural patrons of Earth's sorcerer supreme. They are Oshtur (the Omnipotent), Hoggoth (the Omnipresent) and Agamotto (the Omniscient). They have appeared to Strange once. Having completed their task he gained their favour. [u][b]Other Prospective Characters (Characters not from Strange-lore):[/b][/u] [b]Boston Brand / Deadman:[/b] I would plan to dedicate an arc to solving his murder. [b]Brother Blood:[/b] Sebastian Blood would be the head of a cult known as the Church of Blood dedicated to summoning the Dread Dormammu to Earth. [b]Others:[/b] There are other DC characters who due to their popularity I would entirely expect to be seized as player characters and in no way wish to reserve (such as Shazam, Etrigan/Jason Blood, The Spectre, Trigon, Raven etc.) They comprise a large chunk of the DC mystic universe that would be interesting to utilise, if only on a mention to mention basis. [b]Post Catalogue:[/b] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4699949]An Introduction to Magic Vol. 1[/url] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4707806]An Introduction to Magic Vol. 2[/url] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4716506]Demonology 101[/url]