Phew! There we go, got one up hopefully just in time for you to get back! XD Sorry it took so long, I had 80% of it done, but then kept having to re-write the ending part cause I didn't like how it came out hahaha So, onto the post-y things: - Spoiler alert, Ethan: Yes, Revan is laughing at you. XD My rendition of Revan is somewhat of a wise ass, and very much known for playing mind games of a sort. - So, while he DID give them some co-ordinates, they aren't the immediate ones they're looking for ;) Because what's the point in making people chase you across the galaxy if you don't leave a little treasure hunt of sorts for them when they finally find the right planet? XD (and also, I imagine, partially as a safety measure to make sure people didn't cheat/skip the other co-ordinates and blah blah hahaha) - So I left it rather open for you to transition them over to Odessen as you like, but I figure they would have to do a TINY bit more looking once they actually got there, in order to actually FIND where Revan is at. Cause he's an asshole like that bwahaha - Also, heads up. I don't see him and Ari getting on at first. Like, at all. It'll be fun though, and I promise nobody will get (seriously) hurt XD - Another thought I had for how they could progress once reaching Odessen, did we mention the Gravestone at all during our previous plotting? Y'know, the huge ship thing that they ended up building the base sort of on, before they came to Odessen? Could they possibly, once met up with Revan, go in search of the Gravestone in the hopes of using it to help them find Meetra? - Following from that, if they DID use the Gravestone, of course Arcann would know of it, and thus be able to track and capture them as they approach, perhaps? :) Hope you had a good vacation, also! :D