[hider=Thor Odinson, King of Asgard][color=gray][center][B]R E T U R N I N G C H A R A C T E R P R O P O S A L[/B] [img]https://i.imgur.com/IXuUWbR.png?1[/img] [b][sub][color=DARKGOLDENROD]“Point me in the direction of whomever's ass I have to kick.”[/color][/sub][/b] [/center] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [url=https://imgur.com/fnFoZkf][abbr=You dare point at the Son of Odin?][img]https://i.imgur.com/O2Zt8ch.jpg[/img][/abbr][/url] [color=black][sup]_______________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [center][sub]Thor Odinson, King of Asgard / Blake M. Donaldson D.V.M. [color=black][sup]_______________________________________________________[/sup][/color] Immortal (28) [color=black][b]|[/b][/color] ♂ [color=black][b]|[/b][/color] Heterosexual [color=black][sup]_______________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [/sub][/center][sub][b][color=darkgoldenrod] P H Y S I C A L S T A T S :[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=black]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [color=919191][INDENT][color=SILVER][b]◼ HEIGHT |[/b][/COLOR] [i]6'-4"[/i] [color=SILVER][b]◼ WEIGHT |[/b][/COLOR] [i]212lbs[/i] [color=SILVER][b]◼ BUILD |[/b][/COLOR] [i]Athletic and Muscular[/i] [color=SILVER][b]◼ EYE COLOUR |[/b][/COLOR] [i]Ice Blue[/i] [color=SILVER][b]◼ HAIR COLOUR |[/b][/COLOR] [i]Auburn[/i] [color=SILVER][b]◼ ETHNICITY |[/b][/COLOR] [i]Caucasian[/i][/INDENT][/color] [sub][b][color=darkgoldenrod] P H Y S I C A L D E S C R I P T I O N :[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=black]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [color=919191][INDENT][i]Due to his height and build, Thor is a very intimidating figure. Broad chested with biceps to match, Thor's stature hides a natural gentleness that can be found in the compassion hidden behind his ice blue eyes. His face is adorned with a tidy beard that matches his fiery auburn hair. While originally Blake had kept his hair rather short and trimmed, since resuming his life as Thor, he has allowed it to grow and become slightly more untamed than previously. Thor has a very disarming smile, considered by almost all who encounter the God of Thunder to be quite charming though it is almost never as wide as when the God of Thunder is engaged in battle.[/i][/INDENT][/COLOR] [sub][b][color=darkgoldenrod] S K I L L S :[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=black]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [color=919191][INDENT][color=silver][B]COMBATANT:[/B][/color] [i]Thor is one of the most trained and experienced warriors in all the Realms. Thor often prefers to use brawling-type techniques when fighting beings of similar levels of strength. Despite being a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, Thor's greatest feats of skill come from his weapon expertise. He is easily one of the greatest and most versatile weapon experts in all the Realms, while Thor in his past life favoured his hammer, Mjölnir, he is skilled in the use of weapons such as an axe, sword, bow and arrow, shields and clubs.[/i] [color=silver][B]TACTICIAN:[/B][/color] [i]Due to the fact that Thor is a Warrior God, he has had several millennia worth of experience with devising plans of war. Thor derives his great knowledge of war from Midgard as well as the other Realms, all of which the God of Thunder has done battle in.[/i][/indent][/COLOR] [sub][b][color=darkgoldenrod] P A R A P H E N A L I A :[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=black]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [color=919191][INDENT][color=silver][B]JÁRNBJÖRN:[/B][/color][i]The first weapon Thor ever called his own, the dual-headed axe was used in numerous battles until ultimately the weapon became cursed from spilling innocent blade. Cursed with an insatiable lust for blood, the weapon was banished by Odin until it was found during the first World War. The weapon became a scientific asset for the future S.H.I.E.L.D. and eventually found a home under the Triskelion where it was returned to Thor. However as the weapon was still cursed, he ordered it destroyed. Ultimately though S.H.I.E.L.D. upper brass deemed it too valuable to simply destroy and it was returned to storage. Where it remained until it was recently stolen.[/i] [color=silver][B]MJÖLNIR:[/B][/color][i]The weapon of Thor, forged from the heart of a dying star. Mjölnir was a nigh-indestructible hammer gifted to Thor from his father, Odin. Capable of focussing and channeling Thor's already impressive array of abilities, Thor ultimately came to rely on the weapon and considered it an extension of himself. It was lost to the Universe and the Nine Realms after his death.[/i][/INDENT][/COLOR] [/cell][cell][indent][sub][b][color=darkgoldenrod] P O W E R S & A B I L I T I E S[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=black]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub][/indent][color=919191][INDENT][color=BLACK][B][SUB]POWERS:[/SUB][/B][/COLOR] [INDENT][color=silver][B]ASGARDIAN PHYSIOLOGY:[/B][/color] [i]Thor’s unique physiology of half-Asgardian and Half Elder God grants him the typical powers of an Asgardian God but he is much stronger than the typical members of his race. Thor is currently the second most powerful Asgardian within the Nine Realms and the cosmos surpassed only by his father. As Asgard's warrior prince, Thor trained in the arts of battle, which he has practiced for thousands of years. He is recognized to rely solely on his superior fighting ability, strength, and nigh invulnerability. Odin believes that Thor will eventually become even more powerful than him. Physically the strongest of all Asgardians, Thor is recognized as the God of Strength. His incredible superhuman strength enables him to easily overpower hoards of enemies of lesser strength. Thor has even stalemated the hero Herakles in several contests, a hero of lore whose strength accomplished nine legendary labours that no other being had ever accomplished. None of these so-called labours, however, came close to Thor's greatest feat, when he lifted the Midgard Serpent, Jörmungandr. A serpent so large, its coils had wrapped around the Earth several times. For this reason, Thor often holds back his vast strength to ensure he does not greatly harm his opponents or the area in which they are in. Thor can move at great superhuman speeds. Capable of sprinting distances fast enough to visibly appear as nothing more than a blur. Likewise, his reflexes react on the same level, allowing Thor to dodge and respond to attacks almost instantly. Thor's agility, dexterity, balance, and bodily coordination make him a great warrior for battle. He moves with incredible grace and speed despite his considerable size and body density. His skin, muscle, and bone tissue have many times the density of the same tissue in the body of a human being and even more so than regular Asgardians. Thor is immune to all human diseases as well as its poisons and toxins and is additionally immune to electrocution or poison from radiation. Thor's metabolism is so great that it is nearly impossible for Thor to become drunk except for when he imbibes alcoholic beverages of Asgardian or equal origin. Thor is not immune to all forms of harm, however, and can be defeated by a being whose power matches or exceeds his own, or by high order magic manipulation. Despite his astounding resistance to injury, it is still possible to injure Thor. However, due to his Asgardian physiology, Thor is able to heal at a rate significantly faster than a normal human and even much faster than most Asgardians. Like all other Asgardians, is not truly immortal. It is possible to kill an Asgardian and other beings in the Nine Realms. More accurately, Asgardians are extremely long-lived beings. Thor ages at a pace far, far slower than a human, and this longevity if further boosted by the consumption of Idunn's Golden Apples. Even in Death, Asgardians do not truly die as many return in reincarnated forms such as both Thor and his brother Loki. Thor's endurance is much higher than that of humans and most superhumans. Thor has the ability to perform at his physical peak without tiring for very long periods of time. Thor’s body, unlike that of humans, produces almost no fatigue toxins. However, Thor does indeed require rest to rejuvenate himself, but sleep is luxury, rather than something he requires daily.[/i][/indent] [color=BLACK][B][SUB]ABILITIES:[/SUB][/B][/COLOR] [INDENT][color=silver][B]GOD OF THUNDER:[/B][/color] [i]Thor is the God of thunder born with the natural ability to control weather since birth. Thor normally relies on Mjölnir to control the weather with and release blasts of lightning. Mjölnir allows him to channel his natural abilities more easily, focusing on the hammer as an output. Using his powers without Mjölnir require more effort to summon and are more raw and uncontrolled. Thor is able to summon all elements of the storm, and can even create unnatural weather. He can even discharge lightning bolts from his hands that are lethal and raw in power, able to engulf his hands in lightning to amplify his punches. It is only without Mjölnir that Thor unlocked the full potential of his electrokinetic powers. His power over lightning allow him to generate electrical energy from his own body and summon thunder and lightning from the sky, all without the aid of his former hammer.[/i] [color=silver][B]SON OF JÖRð:[/B][/color] [i]As the son of Jörð, the Pre-Mordial Titan, Gaea, Thor possess an innate, but limited ability to manipulate the Earth. He can create tremors and earthquakes, sink enemies into the ground or raise the ground in his defense. Though this requires great effort on Thor's part as the gifts of his mother do not come with the ease that his other powers do. Lastly, Thor can communicate with the Earth, sensing disturbances to the world through vibrations far too insignificant for most others to experience.[/i][/indent][/indent][/color] [/cell][/row][/table][/color][hr] [indent][sub][b][color=darkgoldenrod] O R I G I N & B A C K S T O R Y[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=black]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub][/indent][color=919191][indent][indent][i]Thor is the second son of Odin Borson, the King, and Allfather of the realm of Asgard. His mother, however, was a giantess called Jörð, who in actuality was a Pre-Mordial Titan known more commonly as Gaea. Through his father, Thor has two brother whom he was raised alongside, his young half-brother Baldur and his older adoptive brother Loki who due to being adopted a bitter rivalry with Thor throughout the pair's youth and into adulthood. Growing up, Thor was close friends with Heimdall who would go on to also become Thor's closest ally. His circle of friends also included the future Warriors Three; Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral. Lastly, Thor maintained a fledgling on and off again romance with the young Sif. Growing to be a powerful and headstrong warrior, Thor grew brash and his thirst for battle was almost unsettling to those around him. Burdened with the role of Protector of the Nine Realms, Thor would often be away from Asgard for great lengths of times, putting a severe strain on his relationship with the Lady Sif, especially since Thor made other consorts in the Realms he visited. His favourite of these was jötunn, Járnsaxa, with whom he laid and fostered a child in secret from all but Heimdall's all-seeing eyes. It was also on these many adventures that Thor first ventured to Midgard, encountering the Olympian hero, Herakles and forming their longstanding rivalry. However, Thor had a destiny far greater than any of his allies, and would eventually go on to confront the monster known as the Midgard Serpent, Jörmungandr. In order to avert the destruction of Midgard, Thor had to defeat Jörmungandr, and the two did battle for numerous days before the serpent finally succumbed to its injuries, its body releasing Midgard and plunging far below the roots of Yggdrasil, the world's tree. However, Jörmungandr's venom eventually caught up to Thor and after taking nine paces from the battle, he dropped dead. The battle between Thor and Jörmungandr had unwittingly unleased Ragnarok upon Asgard, and with Thor's death, the realm fell apart, swallowed whole and its people were forced to flee or perish. Departing the realm, the Asgardians left the ruins of their home behind as they sought to find a new place in the universe while Thor's legendary weapon, Mjölnir was lost to the cosmos of the Nine Realms, foretold to be waiting for the return of its master or another to seek it out and prove themselves worthy of its power. But time was not a concept that Mjölnir worried nor even considered and in the late summer of the Midgard year of 1990, Erik and Marcy Donaldson unexpectedly found an infant left on their doorstep on the night their own child had been stillborn. Growing up on a farm in the American South West, Thor, now named Blake Donaldson, lived a modest life. But on the dawn of his eighteenth birthday, Blake began to be plagued with vivid dreams of a life he had never lived, the memories of his past life as Thor. The dreams continued to plague Blake for another decade while he left his home in Marville, Oklahoma, to attend Texas State University before returning home to open his own veterinarian practice. Thor was soon awoken when a man from Blake's past by the name of Carl Creel began to make trouble in Marville. Creel had seemingly developed metahuman abilities that allowed him to stand defiantly against the local law enforcement. Blake was struck by a near-fatal blow and while laying in the street was approached by an elderly man who took a hold of Blake's hand. In that instant, Blake was reminded who he was and Thor returned for the first time in thousands of years. Now, Blake balances his life in Marville while adjusting to the responsibilities of both his worlds. Acting as a protector of Midgard, the new King of Asgard must once again restore peace to the other Realms while rebuilding Asgard to bring his people home.[/i][/indent][/indent][/color] [hr] [indent][sub][b][color=darkgoldenrod] S E A S O N O N E R E C A P[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=black]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub][/indent][color=919191][indent][color=BLACK][sub][B]STORY ARC 01: LIGHTNING STRIKES[/B][/sub][/color] [INDENT][i]Blake Donaldson's former highschool teammate, Carl Creel, reappears in Marville after being disgraced nearly ten years ago with a strange set of powers. Immediately using his abilities to attempt to rob the town bank, Blake finds himself caught in the crossfire between Creel and Marville's Sheriff's Department as he rushes in to try and protect the love of his life, Barbara Norris. Injuried by Creel, Blake is assisted by an old man who reveals himself to be known other than Odin, Allfather of Asgard and Blake's biological father. Remembering a past life as Thor, Blake is transformed into the God of Thunder and defeats Creel. But that was not the end of Creel as the origins of his powers are revealed to be the work of none other than the Trickster God, Loki. Released from his holding cell with his powers renewed on the condition he kills Thor, Creel goes after Blake's parents and Barbara Norris believing them the key to drawing Thor out. Blake arrives to the rescue and delivers a beat down on Creel that leaves him S.H.I.E.L.D.'s custody and at Loki's mercy.[/i] [sup][URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4698450][color=silver][b]Issue #001[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Pilot[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4698537][color=silver][b]Issue #002[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Sex Scene[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4702003][color=silver][b]Issue #003[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Motorcycle[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4706349][color=silver][b]Issue #004[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus Blake[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4707455][color=silver][b]Issue #005[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Memory[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4714626][color=silver][b]Issue #006[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Absorbing Man[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4722260][color=silver][b]Issue #007[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Deal[/I][/color][/URL][/sup][/INDENT] [color=BLACK][sub][B]STORY ARC 02: AND THE THUNDER ROLLS[/B][/sub][/color] [INDENT][i]When lover of the weird and bizarre, June Moon, recieves a mysterious necklace in the mail, she puts it on only to find herself under the possession of the Asgardian Sorceress, Amora, turning her into the Enchantress. With an agenda against Odin, she seeks out his only living relative and deals a mortal blow against Thor. Surviving the encounter, the Prince of Asgard seeks out the Allfather who heals his wounds but not before revealing the truth of Amora's fall. Armed with the truth, Thor travels to Star City but not before Barbara makes a startling realization of her own. Confronting the Enchantress in the Glades, Thor and the sorceress have a rematch that ends when Thor manages to destroy the amulet. However, their conflict attracted the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. who arrives to apprehend both the Enchantress and the God of Thunder. Knowing June Moon's innocence, Thor allows her to escape by surrendering himself to Supervisory Special Agent Julia Perry.[/i] [sub][URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4723393][color=silver][b]Issue #008[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Cold Open[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4726624][color=silver][b]Issue #009[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Flashback[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4730562][color=silver][b]Issue #010[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Lindwyrm[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4732399][color=silver][b]Issue #011[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Enchantress[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4735901][color=silver][b]Issue #012[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Past[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4736698][color=silver][b]Issue #013[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus Barbara[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4742560][color=silver][b]Issue #014[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus Star City[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4743844][color=silver][b]Issue #015[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus S.H.I.E.L.D.[/I][/color][/URL][/sub][/indent] [color=BLACK][sub][B]STORY ARC 03: THE RISING STORM[/B][/sub][/color] [INDENT][i]While in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody, Agent Perry reveals to Thor that the Central City Incident has people scared and looking to the new wave of heroes to protect them. Forming an uneasy alliance with S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Perry offers Thor an olive branch by taking him to the Triskelion in Washington where they happen to have an Asgardian Artifact in storage. The artifact turns out to be Thor's former weapon, the axe, Járnbjörn. However, at the same time, someone has freed Carl Creel forcing Thor into action. His memories still unclear, Thor has forgotten that the weapon was banished due to being cursed and soon finds himself lost in its bloodlust. Were it not for the intervention of Susan Storm, Thor would have killed Carl Creel. With Creel back in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s custody and a new friend found in the Invisible Woman, Blake returns to Marville where he decides to tell Barbara the truth about his recent behaviour. Much to his surprise, she had already concluded Blake was actually Thor and has accepted him for who he is. The pair reaffirm their relationship and look towards the future together.[/i] [sub][URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4744285][color=silver][b]Issue #016[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus Rebirth[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4746706][color=silver][b]Issue #017[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Saxons[/I][/color][/URL] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4751730][color=silver][b]Issue #017a[/b][/color] [color=white][I]with Morden Man[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4752551][color=silver][b]Issue #018[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Rematch[/I][/color][/URL] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4752774][color=silver][b]Issue #018a[/b][/color] [color=white][I]with Morden Man[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4752831][color=silver][b]Issue #019[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus Vibranium[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4752852][color=silver][b]Issue #019a[/b][/color] [color=white][I]with Morden Man[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4753416][color=silver][b]Issue #020[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus Úrndallr[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4753416][color=silver][b]Issue #020a[/b][/color] [color=white][I]with Morden Man[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4753581][color=silver][b]Issue #021[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus Járnbjörn[/I][/color][/URL] [URL=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4754891][color=silver][b]Issue #022[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus Big Belly Burger[/I][/color][/URL][/sub][/indent] [color=BLACK][sub][B]STORY ARC 04: WHEN IT RAINS[/B][/sub][/color] [INDENT][i]When the Silver Surfer frees himself from the Raft, he arms several of the world's most dangerous criminals with new powers courtesy of the Power Cosmic. Two such criminals, the Gentleman Ghost, and the Shadow Thief are transported to Marville where they come into conflict with Thor. Summoning an army of the undead, Thor seems overwhelmed until Heimdall appears to assist him in conflict. Banishing the Gentleman Ghost and interrogating the Shadow Thief, the Asgardians learn that the Surfer was behind the attack and Thor decides to confront the Surfer once and for all. Arriving at the Raft in time to turn the tide of battle, Thor and Darkseid's Herald face off in a clash of titans that leaves only one of them standing. Despite his victory over the Surfer, Thor is left with a mortal injury due to the influence of the Power Cosmic. Traveling back to Marville, Heimdall brings Thor before Odin, who heals his son at the cost of his own life. Now the King of Asgard, Thor must come to terms with new responsibilities while finding a way to reunite his people and help Asgard rebuild.[/I] [sub][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4755728][color=silver][b]Issue #023[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Escapees (An MME Tie In)[/I][/color][/URL] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4759018][color=silver][b]Issue #024[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Undead (An MME Tie In)[/I][/color][/URL] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4759395][color=silver][b]Issue #025[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Possessed (An MME Tie In)[/I][/color][/URL] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4762951][color=silver][b]Issue #026[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Raft (An MME Tie In)[/I][/color][/URL] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4763480][color=silver][b]Issue #027[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Surfer (An MME Tie In)[/I][/color][/URL] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4763970][color=silver][b]Issue #028[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Herald (An MME Tie In)[/I][/color][/URL] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4765764][color=silver][b]Issue #029[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Power Cosmic (An MME Tie In)[/I][/color][/URL] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4765907][color=silver][b]Issue #030[/b][/color] [color=white][I]AKA Thor Versus The Proposal[/I][/color][/URL][/sub][/indent][/indent][/color] [hr] [indent][sub][b][color=darkgoldenrod] S U P P O R T I N G C A S T[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=black]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub][/indent][color=919191][indent][color=BLACK][B][SUB]MAIN CAST:[/SUB][/B][/COLOR] [INDENT][COLOR=SILVER][B]BARBARA NORRIS:[/B][/COLOR] [i][/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]HEIMDALL:[/B][/COLOR] [i]Thor's dearest friend and longest ally. Though fated to die during the events of Ragnarok, Loki broke the cycle thus allowing both himself and Heimdall to live. Charged by Odin with protecting the reborn Thor, Heimdall brought Thor to Midgard and watched over him from a distance while the boy grew. Now he serves alongside the new King of Asgard. [/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]CARTER HALL:[/B][/COLOR] [i]A newcomer to Marville, the older man seems to know who Blake is but neither Blake nor Thor have any recollection of the man. Only time will tell if Carter Hall is a friend of foe.[/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]LOKI LAUFEYSON:[/B][/COLOR] [i][/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]ÚRNDALLR THE MAUL:[/B][/COLOR] [i][/I][/indent] [color=BLACK][B][SUB]RECURRING CAST:[/SUB][/B][/COLOR] [indent][COLOR=SILVER][B]ERIK & MARCY DONALDSON:[/B][/COLOR] [i]Erik and Marcy Donaldson are the parents of Blake Donaldson, Thor's reborn self. Erik had studied to be an architect before the early death of his father resulted in him taking over the family farm in Marville Oklahoma. Marcy, on the other hand, was a pediatrician with her own private practice. The life on the farm, however, never truly suited her and had it not been for the arrival of Blake, the couple likely would have separated long ago.[/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]SSA JULIA PERRY:[/B][/COLOR] [i][/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]SHERIFF DAN LAMB:[/B][/COLOR] [i][/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]MAYOR ROY THOMAS:[/B][/COLOR] [i][/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]LADY ELAINE MARSHE-MORTON:[/B][/COLOR] [i][/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]MICHAEL COLLINS:[/B][/COLOR] [i][/I][/indent] [color=BLACK][B][SUB]GUEST CAST:[/SUB][/B][/COLOR] [indent][COLOR=SILVER][B]ODIN BORSON:[/B][/COLOR] [i]The Allfather of Asgard, son of Bor, father to Thor, Loki, and Baldur. Odin was the ruler of Asgard until its demise during Ragnarok. Like the rest of the surviving Asgardians, he was left to wander the galaxy in search of refuge. Confident in his remaining son's ability to lead and knowing one day Thor would be reborn, Odin charged Heimdall with delivering the infant Thor to Midgard, hiding him in Marville, Oklahoma until the time was right. Ultimately Odin gave his life to save Thor's allowing him to pass into Valhalla to be with his beloved Frigga.[/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]TYR BORSON:[/B][/COLOR] [i]Odin's younger brother and Uncle to Thor, Baldur and Loki.[/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]BALDUR ODINSON:[/B][/COLOR] [i]Baldur is the youngest of Odin's children and half-brother to Thor. It was Baldur's death which set Ragnarok into motion after he died to the treachery of his eldest brother. Baldur is believed to belong to the Goddess of Death, Hela, now.[/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]LADY SIF:[/B][/COLOR] [i] The former wife of the late Thor, Lady Sif is one of Asgard's mightiest warriors and was foretold to bear the children of Thor who would go on to inherit the mighty Mjölnir. However, Sif miscarried during Ragnarok, leading to the loss of her unborn child. With Thor's death, no other heir could be produced for Mjölnir. She is presumed dead along with countless others in the aftermath of Ragnarok.[/I][/indent] [color=BLACK][B][SUB]SPECIAL MENTIONS:[/SUB][/B][/COLOR] [indent][COLOR=SILVER][B]KEVIN DONALDSON:[/B][/COLOR] [i]The biological son of Erik and Marcy Donaldson, Kevin was a stillborn child. Delivered only hours before Thor was placed on the porch of the Donaldson farmhouse, the grieving pair were immediately smitten with Thor primarily due to the loss of Kevin.[/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]ERIC KOENIG:[/B][/COLOR] [i]An Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who works at the Triskelion in Washington. Agent Koenig is the direct grandson of an SSR Agent of the same name who was part of the team that recovered Járnbjörn. Agent Koenig is also Agent Perry's direct supervisor.[/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]THE WARRIORS THREE:[/B][/COLOR] [i]Comprised of Fandral the Dashing, Hogun the Grim and Volstagg the Valiant, the Warriors Three are among Thor's closest friends and companions. If ever Thor was on a quest, there was no question that the Warriors Three were right behind him. Sadly all three perished during the events of Ragnarok.[/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]EITRI THE DWARF:[/B][/COLOR] [i]A master craftsman and creator of both Járnbjörn and Mjölnir, Eitri is a close friend of the Throne of Asgard and has created weapons for the Kings of Asgard since before the days of Bor.[/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]LORELEI, IDUNN THE MAIDEN:[/B][/COLOR] [i]Sister to Amora, Lorelei had her sister framed in order to gain a position of favour with Karnilla, Queen of the Norns. This allowed Lorelei to become the next Maiden Goddess and keeper of the Garden of Idunn.[/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]CARL 'CRUSHER' CREEL:[/B][/COLOR] [i]A childhood rival to Blake Donaldson, Creel lost his football scholarship when Blake exposed him for using steroids. Ever since, Creel has held a grudge against Blake which was exploited by the Trickster God, Loki. In exchange for Blake's death, Loki promised Creel powers beyond his wildest belief. In the end, Blake, as Thor defeated Creel and Creel was forced to pay in his own blood for Loki's gifts.[/I] [COLOR=SILVER][B]JUNE MOON:[/B][/COLOR] [i]A lover of the strange and bizarre, June Moon was an aspiring artist and paranormal blogger living in a destitute Star City neighborhood until a mysterious package was delivered to her door. Inside was a necklace unlike any she had ever seen before, curiosity got the better of her though and she put the necklace on, reading a note aloud that had come with it. Possessed by the Asgardian Amora, June was used as a pawn in Amora's revenge against Odin and his kin. Though Thor prevailed and destroyed the necklace, June was still possessed by Amora and escaped.[/I][/indent][/indent][/color] [hr] [indent][sub][b][color=darkgoldenrod] S E A S O N T W O P L A N S[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=black]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub][/indent][color=919191][indent][indent][i]For Season Two, I am planning on structuring my story a bit differently than in Season One. During Season One, I took a very 'Freak of the Week' approach to try and learn my character and get a feel for the world and the RP as a whole. Now having a fairly firm grasp on the character I'm playing and his lore, I'm looking to cover a wider arc story. After fighting the Surfer, Thor has been left with several major threads to explore. Due to Odin's sacrifice, he has been crowned the new King of Asgard and will have to deal with the fallout and responsibilities that come with that title. Part of Season Two will indeed be a Game of Thrones as Thor is forced to contend with those who would take the crown for themselves. This, of course, leads to the next major thread that Thor has to deal with. Loki is alive and active. While the Surfer wasn't entirely honest about who was the cause of Thor's loved ones' suffering, he was correct in telling him that Loki is behind the majority of mischief in Thor's life. As such, Thor will need to put an end to Loki. Next, there's the theft of Járnbjörn and who could be behind that? Thor will be forced to come face to face with a foe he has not seen in a very long time. Additionally, a new face in Marville will challenge Thor in ways that he's never been challenged before. Lastly, there's Barbara's pending answer to Blake's proposal, will she say yes? And if so, what stress and burdens come with planning a wedding to the King of Asgard. All of this and more, in Thor: Season Two.[/I][/indent][/indent][/color] [hr][/hider]