Penelope nodded to Crow as he headed out to get the horse ready. She threw on her cloak and finished getting ready before turning to look over at William. The older knight had gotten ready rather quickly and was waiting for her to finish. He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at her. "So... Sleep well?" He asked with clear venom in his voice. Penelope let out a soft sigh and walked over to the knight. "Please don't start again." She groaned. "William, please we're nearly done with this mission and it would be great if you could just.. I don't know, ignore us?" "Ignore you?" The knight scoffed at her. "Well I don't exactly expect you to become friends with Crow. Nor do I expect you to start respecting him in any way." Penelope said crossing her arms. The two began to head out of the inn as they spoke, lowering their voices slightly as to not draw attention. "But I don't think we can risk anymore fighting. Ok? I know he started them but it's not like you're guilt free. So can we just try to make it back to Brerra without drawing any attention to ourselves?" William fell silent for a moment. He gave an annoyed look and shook his head. "You're digging his grave and ruining your life, Vermillion." He growled then paused. "You're right though. We shouldn't be drawing attention to ourselves. Not here. So I'll just have to make you come back to your senses once we get back to Brerra." Penelope looked over at William and let out a long sigh. "Well I guess... that's a start." She muttered. As far as she was concerned, William could do whatever he wanted once they got back to Brerra. After all, Crow would leave as soon as they got back to the outer villages and even if he did spread the word about her and Crow, it wouldn't matter since she'd be leaving to be with him anyways. She just hoped that he'd keep his word on causing less trouble, especially after the night before. Her gaze focused ahead as she spotted Crow returning with the horses. She stepped over to him. "Able to get everything alright?" She asked, eying the stallion to make sure that he was able to retrieve the bow and staff.