[@Hokum] [pre]WHAT IS GOING ON[/pre] [h3]/accessing memorybank/[/h3] [h3]/creating new memory[/h3] [h3]///STARTING MEMORY RECORDING. . .[/h3] [center]DAY 2, YEAR UNKNOWN, DATE UNKNOWN[/center] --------------------------/ SAM watched their cybernetic lights shine and strobe as they stood hunched up, he stood still and confinely as the lead scientist belittled him, disgracing him to nothing more than a automaton, with blood replaced with flowing electricity, not like a human. The nerve of these scientists, if they had actually properly took a look at his inner workings they would have known that he was still technically a human brain, but either they half-assed it or they still wanted to just keep his robotics. Those corrupt, snide assholes should at least treat him like a valuable object if they say he isn’t alive. How paranoid can you be to not trust yourselves to speak quietly? He silently scoffed at- wait, why was the bubbly one not bunched up with the other labcoats? At the very least, the giggly brunette seems separate to them, a little more favorable, a little bit more peachy. Still, with her being apart of the same team that have completely violated him, she still wasn’t held in the highest esteem. With her staring at him, he couldn’t see if she had one of the cybernetics behind her ears. Did she have them at all? The prick that spewed his uptight nonsense looked like he ran this, so, what was she doing? She must be unimportant, on break and looking around the place, a new recruit. The lead man rambles on and further belittles him, being unreasonably suspicious of an infiltration on the surface, but SAM had a small hunch that they just really wanted his precious inner workings. They would have probably found that he was innocent as the communications in his ship were down and he had no way to contact an invasion fleet. There was no escape, no getaway, he was going to the more “stable environment” one way or another. But, then a hand was extended to him before he could snap at them. “My name is Fanny May. It’s good to finally meet you in person, Sammy.” SAM promptly prepared to tell her to go to hell, but making a good impression would possibly let him not get shot with taser-bullets again, so he decided to go with it and shake. It hit him that, wouldn’t they not allow her to get too close to the prisoner, correct? They didn’t seem to acknowledge her in the slightest. “Don’t worry about these bastards. I’ll make sure you get out of here just fine. Be patient. For everything there is a reason.” She said. This absolutely bewildered him, why was she interested in doing this? Why would she know about him and want to set him free? Why was she detailing her plans out loud? [i]What the fuck does “for everything there is a reason” mean?![/i] “Apparently this droids AI has been compromised. Extra security measures are in order.” SAM was brought out from his discombobulated reverie, and was thrust into even more confusion. Why did- why did she- why aren’t they- is she even real? He tried to form a coherent thought, maybe she was just some sort of error in his photoreceptors that resulted from the crash? No, he didn’t think he knew any Fanny May’s, he wouldn’t just form an entirely new person in his imagination, her face looked new at least. He would have to check his memorybank to find her, but for now he had to clear things up. From the outside he looked like he was completely fine with the situation, lifeless, and to be fair, did look like his AI was being compromised. He jumped up in his cage, letting go of her hand, not appearing to be turning hostile, but more of a anxious eagerness. His mechanical body captured this motion in an acceptably human manner. He faced his blank countenance towards the lead scientist. [code]”Apologies for the sudden movement, but I will inform you that your assessments were either inaccurate of not performed thoroughly. I am a cyborg, I have a human brain instead of an artificial intelligence. That is all.”[/code] However, his eyes suddenly started to malfunction, like his entire field of view was being censored. Before he knew it, he was shut down. [h3]///RESTARTING MEMORY RECORDING. . .[/h3] He awakes, still without his clothes, and without that primitive metal cage around him. It is definitely an upgrade, and it seems he is at the wheel of this ship. Again he saw the beautiful panorama of space through any windows there were, but he wasn’t in the mood to sightsee. He jumps up again and frenziedly searches around the helm, or as frenziedly as a stiff robot body could move. Was that whole previous episode with him being captured all some sort of fever dream? It certainly seemed like one, this could be some sort of rescue vessel, but he didn’t recognize any markings, if any, around the place. Suddenly, a female voice interrogates him, asking about an Admiral Gavon and what was done to him and who SAM was. Maybe, he had it backwards and this was actually the fever dream. [code]”...Excuse me, what? I have no idea who this Admiral Gavon is, and I haven’t done a thing to him! If anything, I should be asking who you are and what you have done with me, and in addition, where I am, what is going on, and why did you take me here?”[/code] He had a feeling he wasn't going to get useful answers, somehow. Maybe it was from the whale passing by the view screen, which SAM appears to not react to at first, but internally, he has completely lost it. [h3]///ENDING MEMORY RECORDING. . .[/h3]