[@Dirty Pretty Lies] Saved yourself the time. [hr] My brother tried to get me to watch the Netflix version of Bleach. Because despite wanting to avoid Nexflix Adaption's like the plague. I guess we had nothing better to do. So he was telling me how 'accurate' the Ichigo character was. And all I saw was an actor hamming it up. Despite making fun of parts, he kept telling me how 'unchanged' parts were. And I was thinking,[i]"Not a single scene has been correct so far."[/i] But he fell asleep, less than halfway through. And he told me, "this was the 2nd time he got to that point and fell asleep." My question would have been [i]"then why did I just sit through it?"[/i] if I wasn't kind. <.< I haven't watched many movies that I can think of. My only other comments really is how [b]little[/b] there actually is coming out. Venom looks like ass. Mary Poppins is going to be ruined. There's sequels to movies I don't care about... The fact that a likely cheap ass "people are locked in a room and will kill each other" type thriller is probably the most interesting thing coming out this year. <.< I guess I still have hope that the animated Spider-Man movie won't be ass. [i]*though the two main directors of Monsters Vs Aliens/PussNBoots, and the Godzilla movie, doesn't inspire confidence*[/i]