"See you later," Fendros said before the door shut. He and Rhazii were taken off guard at how fast Ahnasha moved away. They caught up as quickly as they could. "We shall see," Fendros responded to Ahnasha. "I have a feeling that it will just be Monderyn and Llarasa. Mother is not the inn-going type." They made enough distance to feel comfortable slowing to a normal pace. Fendros took Ahnasha's hand as they walked. "Mother showed remarkable patience at our wedding. I hope she has retained it." Rhazii peered over his shoulder several times before the Avarul house was out of sight. Soon enough, the three found themselves at the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn. Meesei was surprised to see them back so early, though the situation was easy to explain. There was little left to do but wait. [hr] Harriet expressed no hint of being any more charitable. "She knows about lycans. I've been teachin' her about herself, too. The only reason she didn't march across the mountains to split your head open with an axe is because I told her that was a stupid idea and I'd tie her up for a week if she tried." Her breath seethed. "As for me, she knows I did the wrong thing. She knows it wasn't her fault. But, you know, we've been the only people who've had each other since I got here." She blinked and shook her head. "Is that all you're here for? Makin' sure I ain't raising [i]my[/i] kid to make the same mistakes I did?"