[center][hr] [h1][color=gold]Location: Dr. Ashford's Private Office Interactions: [@Burning Kitty][/color][/h1] [hr][/center] [center][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/WarlikeLawfulIrishterrier-size_restricted.gif[/img][/center] Dr. Ashford was deep into a book on quantum physics and Vitaly Ginzburg, the father of the Soviet Hydrogen Bomb. His studies of physics and history had led him to this man before, and this was at least the fourth time he was reading this particular work. It took a certain kind of man to help create something that could potentially destroy the world. He had met mutants like that. Ashford knew that he must prevent that kind of philosophy by any means necessary...and he was prepared to do so. Just then he heard the pounding at the door. He didn’t appreciate the aggressiveness of it. When Temperance announced herself instead of his secretary a curious concern set into his mind. Folding the book closed he pushed his chair back and stood to begin walking towards the door. The knocking got louder. With a calm demeanor he answered the door, opening it just enough to expose his face and to see hers. Clearly she was angry. [color=gold]“Ms. O’Hara, why all of this commotion?”[/color]