[@Cio] Regarding Circe and Sanyu. Yea they would probably hit it off quite quick, Mostly due to the fact that even when it comes down to how much they know how to use their quirk they are on opposing ends of the spectrum. Sanyu knows whats shes doing. Circe on the otherhand is at most just relying on instinct and what has worked in the past. Basically shes winging it with her quirk which isn't a good idea. **That and I totally want a combo attack called Maximum Overdrive** [@ERode] *If Circe can affect peoples biological processes while they are in maintained contact with her... and Sludge Boys entire concept is becoming living armor... Couldn't she boost his toughness even more til the point they become a juggernaut in terms of defense?* [i]Just asking~[/i] Edit: Also.. I just noticed a fun little combo Circe can pull off if given a little preptime with your character. Edit 2: Yea all these characters have lovely synergies since many compensate for peoples weaknesses.