[indent][u][b]February 7th; 1:31 PM Lycus Dorm, University of Poseidonis, Atlantis[/b][/u][/indent] [color=orchid]"Ophelia didn't tell me the address, but I'm going with her to another party tonight, like I said. I want to use your chemical scanner to analyze those drugs,[/color] said Karen. She had honestly hoped to avoid getting Malcolm too wrapped up in all of this, as she didn't know whether or not he would approve of her jumping back into the hero game so soon after she had arrived. But there was no getting around that now, was there? Still, wasn't it a little strange that he had brought a whole duffel bag full of obviously heavy equipment with him? What on Earth was [i]he[/i] planning to do down here? [color=orchid]"And don't worry, I know not to take any drinks I didn't see poured, and I definitely know not to take any weird pills,"[/color] she reassured Malcolm.